400 Must Have Words for the TOEFL LESSON 30 - Crimes at Sea Vocabulary Test
Word List
abduction [æbˈdʌkʃən] n.
→ Pirates got many crew members by abduction, snatching unlucky citizens from seaport towns.
Parts of speech abduct v.
coerce [koʊˈərs] v.
To force; to put pressure on someone to do something
→ A criminal’s confession is not usable in court if the police coerce him or her into giving it.
Parts of speech coercion n., coercive adj.
detain [dɪˈteɪn] v.
To prevent someone, for a relatively short time, from going on their way
→ The police detained at least 20 men for questioning,but charged none of them with a crime.
Parts of speech detention n., detainee n.
deviant [ˈdiːvɪənt] adj.
In a style that is not normal and is offensive to many
→ The artist based his reputation on creating deviant works of art that disgusted most of the public.
Usage tips Deviant always implies a bad opinion of someone or something.
Parts of speech deviant n., deviation n., deviate v.
distort [dɪsˈtɔːt] v.
To twist or misrepresent; to make something seem different from what it really is
→ If you hold a pencil in a glass of water, the water distorts the appearance of the pencil.
Parts of speech distortion n.
intentionally [ɪnˈtenʃnəlɪ] adv.
On purpose, not by accident
→ Danny intentionally lost his last golf ball because he was tired of playing.
Parts of speech intent n., intention n., intend v., intentional adj.
piracy [ˈpaɪərəsɪ] n.
Stealing a ship or taking the ship’s cargo; the unlawful copying of books, CDs, etc.
→ Modern-day piracy occurs mostly near groups of small,uninhabited islands where pirates can hide.
Parts of speech pirate n., pirate v.
predicament [prɪˈdɪkəmənt] n.
A difficult situation, one that is hard to get out of
→ College basketball stars face the predicament of wanting to graduate but being tempted by high professional salaries.
smuggle [ˈsmʌgl] v.
To illegally bring things into a country
→ The pirate Ben Dewar smuggled guns to British and Indian fighters in North America.
Parts of speech smuggler n., smuggling n.
villainy [ˈvɪlənɪ] n.
Exceptional badness, as demonstrated by many serious evil deeds
→ Fred was not a natural criminal, but he learned all kinds of villainy while being jailed for a minor crime.
Parts of speech villain n., villainous adj.