4000 Essential English Words 2 Unit 19: Mrs. May and the Green Girl
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Word List
- adopt [əˈdɒpt] v.
To adopt someone is to make them as a part of one’s own family.
→ The girl was adopted by the couple when she was three. - beg [beg] v.
To beg is to ask for something one really wants.
→ The man begged for some money. - beyond [bɪˈjɒnd] prep.
If A is beyond B, A is farther away.
→ John’s house is beyond that lake. - costume [ˈkɒstjuːm] n.
A costume is a set of clothes people wear for a particular occasion.
→ The woman wore a mask with her costume. - exclaim [ɪksˈkleɪm] v.
To exclaim is to say something loudly, usually due to being excited.
→ “Look at her dress!” Sara exclaimed. - extend [ɪksˈtend] v.
To extend is to stretch out or reach.
→ The boy extended his hand to catch the ball. - fool [fuːl] n.
A fool is someone who makes unwise choices.
→ The girl was a fool for playing too close to the water. - forbid [fəˈbɪd] v.
To forbid is to tell someone they cannot do something.
→ My father forbids watching TV while we’re eating dinner. - illustrate [ˈɪləstreɪt] v.
To illustrate is to show something by drawing a picture.
→ The executive illustrated the decreasing profits of the company. - indeed [ɪnˈdiːd] adv.
Indeed means truly or really.
→ The birthday party was indeed fun last night. - interpret [inˈtəːrprit] v.
To interpret is to explain what something means.
→ The woman interpreted what her co-worker was trying to say. - kindly [ˈkaɪndlɪ] adv.
If people do something kindly, they do it in a nice way.
→ The stranger kindly cared for the hurt man. - motive [moutiv] n.
A motive is the reason someone does something.
→ His motive for studying so hard is to get into a good college. - nest [nest] n.
A nest is a place where a bird lays its eggs.
→ The bird laid her eggs in the nest that she made. - origin [ˈɒrədʒɪn] n.
The origin of someone or something is where they come from.
→ The origin of the honey that we eat is from a beehive. - reception [rɪˈsepʃən] n.
A reception is a party to welcome a person or celebrate an event.
→ We all danced and had a good time at the wedding reception. - reject [rɪˈdʒekt] v.
To reject is to refuse something because you do not want it.
→ The girl rejected the broken cup. - silence [ˈsaɪləns] n.
Silence is complete quiet.
→ The man asked for silence while he worked on the problem. - stream [striːm] n.
A stream is a small river.
→ The boy caught a fish in the stream. - tone [təʊn] n.
Tone is the sound of someone’s voice. It shows how they feel.
→ My father’s tone told me I had broken the rule.