4000 Essential English Words 3 Unit 22: The Circus
Word List
- accommodate [əˈkɒmədeɪt] v.
To accommodate is to have enough room.
→ The meeting room can accommodate nine people.
- circus [ˈsəːrkəs] n.
A circus is a traveling show with animals and people.
→ I like to go to the circus to see the animals do tricks.
- coincide [kouinˈsaid] v.
If two things coincide, they happen at the same time.
→ My birthday coincides with Christmas.
- commission [kəˈmɪʃən] v.
To commission someone to do something is to pay them to do it.
→ The artist was commissioned to create a picture.
- dose [dous] n.
A dose is a certain amount of medicine that you take at one time.
→ My mother gave me a dose of medicine before I went to bed.
- dye [daɪ] v.
To dye something is to make it a certain color by using a special chemical.
→ Valery got her hair dyed at the salon yesterday.
- extent [ɪksˈtent] n.
The extent of something is how large, important, or serious it is.
→ He ate to such an extent that he became overweight.
- gender [ˈdʒendər] n.
Gender is a category that describes being either a boy or a girl.
→ Do you know the gender of her new baby?
- headline [ˈhedlaɪn] n.
A headline is the title of a newspaper story.
→ The headline on the front page was about the economy.
- informal [ɪnˈfɔːrməl] adj.
When something is informal, it is not official.
→ They had an informal meeting to talk about their experiences.
- inquire [ɪnˈkwaɪər] v.
To inquire about something is to ask about it.
→ Dad called to inquire about the price of tickets for the show.
- messenger [ˈmesəndʒər] n.
A messenger is one who carries information from one place to another.
→ The messenger delivered an important document to the office.
- peer [pɪər] v.
To peer at something is to watch it carefully.
→ She peered at people through the window.
- portrait [ˈpɔːrtrɪt] n.
A portrait is a painting or photograph of someone.
→ I saw many religious portraits when I went to the museum.
- pose [pouz] v.
To pose is to stay in one place without moving.
→ The kids and their dog posed for a picture.
- ranch [ræntʃ] n.
A ranch is a large farm where animals are kept.
→ My uncle has many horses on his ranch.
- steer [stɪə:r] v.
To steer something is to control where it goes.
→ He steered the go-cart around the track.
- stripe [straɪp] n.
A stripe is a thick line.
→ The flag of the United States has red and white stripes.
- tame [teɪm] adj.
When an animal is tame, it is not afraid to be near people.
→ The tame bird rested on his hand.
- tempt [tempt] v.
To tempt people is to offer them something they want but shouldn’t have.
→ I wasn’t hungry, but she tempted me with a piece of my favorite cake.