4000 Essential English Words 3 Unit 28: The Boy Who Saved the Town
Word List
- ache [eɪk] v.
If something aches, it hurts.
→ Mindy’s head ached because she bumped it against the wall.
- arctic [ˈɑːrktɪk] adj.
If something is arctic, it is from far north near the North Pole.
→ It is cold when the arctic winds blow.
- canal [kəˈnæl] n.
A canal is a path for water to travel through.
→ The city of Venice, Italy, has many canals.
- chemist [ˈkemɪst] n.
A chemist is a scientist who works with chemicals.
→ My mother is a successful chemist who helps invent new products.
- chill [tʃɪl] n.
A chill is a feeling of cold.
→ The chill from the cold wind made Bill shiver.
- congress [ˈkɔŋgris] n.
Congress is a group of leaders in a government.
→ Congress makes laws for people to follow.
- dairy [ˈdɛərɪ] adj.
If something is dairy, it is made from milk.
→ Things like milk and cheese are dairy foods.
- descend [dɪˈsend] v.
To descend is to go downward.
→ I descended the stairs to get out of the building.
- grocer [ˈgrousər] n.
A grocer is a person who sells food.
→ Our grocer, Mr. Smith, is a very kind man.
- hesitate [ˈhezəteɪt] v.
To hesitate is to wait for a short time before doing something.
→ He hesitated for a moment before he decided which choice to make.
- institution [ɪnstəˈtjuːʃən] n.
An institution is an organization that works to help a city or group of people.
→ Banks are vital institutions that businesses and people use every day.
- jog [dʒɔg] v.
To jog is to run slowly.
→ He jogs every day so he can be healthier.
- merchant [ˈməːrtʃənt] n.
A merchant is a person who sells things.
→ The merchant was selling used cars.
- poke [pouk] v.
To poke something is to push it with your finger.
→ I poked my finger on a thumb tack.
- postpone [poustˈpoun] v.
To postpone something is to make it happen later than planned.
→ They postponed the meeting until Elena arrived.
- splash [splæʃ] v.
When a liquid splashes, it bursts and hits something.
→ Some green paint splashed upon the floor.
- stubborn [ˈstʌbə:rn] adj.
If people are stubborn, they don’t change their minds easily.
→ Both of my parents are stubborn. They never give in to each other.
- suburb [ˈsʌbəːrb] n.
A suburb is a small part of a large city.
→ I grew up in the suburbs only a few minutes outside of the city.
- tide [taɪd] n.
The tide is the level of the water in the sea.
→ The tide continued to crawl upon the beach little by little.
- tragedy [ˈtrædʒədɪ] n.
A tragedy is a very sad event.
→ It was a tragedy when his house was struck by lightning and burned.