4000 Essential English Words 5 Unit 8: Becoming a Healer
Word List
- adept [əˈdept] adj.
If someone is adept at something, they are very good at doing it.
→ The carpenter is very adept at building houses.
- barren [ˈbӕrən] adj.
If land is barren, it has no plants growing on it.
→ People cannot farm in barren lands.
- ceramic [səˈrӕmik] adj.
If something is ceramic, it is made of baked clay.
→ The house’s roof was made of ceramic tiles.
- culinary [ˈkʌləneri] adj.
If something is culinary, it is related to cooking.
→ I gained culinary skills after working in a restaurant for many years.
- dense [dens] adj.
If something is dense, it has a lot of things close together.
→ I easily became lost in the dense forest.
- dignity [ˈdignəti] n.
Dignity is the ability to be calm and worthy of respect.
→ When his company went out of business, he faced it with dignity.
- dominate [ˈdɒməneit] v.
To dominate someone or something is to control them.
→ The loud man dominated the conversation.
- edible [ˈedəbəl] adj.
If something is edible, you can eat it.
→ We learn about edible plants when we go camping.
- hostile [ˈhɒstəl] adj.
If someone is hostile, they are angry and unfriendly.
→ We were happy to move away from our hostile neighbor.
- intake [ˈinteik] n.
Your intake of food is the amount of food you take into your body.
→ The doctor said I needed to increase my intake of fruits and vegetables.
- likewise [ˈlaikwaiz] adv.
If someone does something likewise, they do the same thing as someone else.
→ If Joe is staying away from school to go swimming, I want to do likewise.
- malnutrition [mӕlnjuˈtriʃən] n.
Malnutrition is the condition of not getting enough nutrients.
→ After eating only a meager amount of food, she suffered from malnutrition.
- medication [ˌmedəˈkeiʃən] n.
Medication is medicine or drugs given to people who are sick.
→ The doctor gave me medication to treat my illness.
- misconception [miskənˈsepʃən] n.
A misconception is a wrong idea about something.
→ People once believed the misconception that the Earth is flat.
- obscure [əbˈskjuər] adj.
If something is obscure, it is not well-known.
→ The old man travels the world in search of obscure books.
- oppress [əˈpres] v.
To oppress someone means to rule over them in a cruel and unfair way.
→ Free speech had been oppressed in his country.
- peel [piːl] v.
To peel fruits and vegetables is to remove their skin.
→ We peeled the apple before eating it.
- prescription [priˈskripʃən] n.
A prescription is permission from a doctor to get medicine.
→ The doctor gave me a prescription for my medication.
- respirator [respəˈreitə:r] n.
A respirator is a machine that helps weak or sick people breathe.
→ The man needed a respirator to breathe.
- strive [straiv] v.
To strive is to struggle to achieve something.
→ People who strive to succeed often do.