Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 18 - Day 1
- abortive [ə bôr´ tiv]
“His company made an abortive attempt to circle the enemy position but they fell back under fire.” Captain Ron Herbert, Keep Your Medals
- modify [mod´ ə fī]
“Some schools claimed that the standard test was a lot harder than a modified version.” Ching-Cheng Ni, “Fewer Rumbles on Earth Test,” Newsday, 6/23/99
- accommodate [ə kom´ ə dāt]
“The awards will be given out at a place that will accommodate C-Span.” James Barron, “Public Lives,” New York Times, 6/10/99
- spontaneous [spon tā´ nē əs]
“Professor Einstein burst out in spontaneous candidness.” Thomas Lee Bucky, “Einstein: An Intimate Memoir”
- innate [i nāt´ or in´ āt]
“Nothing makes the weak strong or the fearful brave as much as our bodies’ innate drive to stay alive.” William Safire, “Why Die?,” New York Times, 1/1/00
under the wire—just in time
Hank hesitated about his term paper for two months and finally submitted it just under the wire.