Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 36 - Day 1
- genre [zhän´ rə]
“There is a certain difference between a work called a romance and the genre known as the novel.” Nathaniel Hawthorne
- candid [kan´ did]
“Sweepstakes companies must be more candid about the chances of winning a prize.” AARP Bulletin, 9/99
- unsavory [un sā´ vər ē]
“Punishing students by assigning them more work, has made education unsavory and unappealing to the average student.” H. C. McKown, “The Three R’s Today”
- degrade [di grād´]
“The world is weary of statesmen who have become degraded into politicians.” Benjamin Disraeli
- venial [vē´ nē əl]
“The coach tried to overlook the venial errors of his players and concentrated on the serious ones.” Sports Illustrated, 5/12/99
keep a stiff upper lip—keep up courage, stand up to trouble
When he heard through the grapevine* that the fat was in the fire,* he knew he had to keep a stiff upper lip so as not to spill the beans.*