Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 37 - Day 1
- confront [kən frunt´]
“When we gaze into a seeming infinity of tomorrows, we face the challenge that any generation confronts when it looks ahead.” Editorial, “2000 and Beyond,” New York Times, 1/1/00
- antipathy [an tip´ ə thē]
“There is no need to anticipate any antipathy from your future in-laws when you plan a wedding.” “Wedding Guide,” Courier-Life Publications, 7/99
- servile [sėr´ vəl]
“Uriah Heep, so physically repulsive and hypocritically servile, fascinated David at first but later revolted him.” Holly Hughes, Barron’s Book Notes, David Copperfield by Charles Dickens
- volition [vō lish´ ən]
“To prove her innocence, she took a lie detector test of her own volition.” New York Times, 9/21/99
- sojourn [sō´ jėrn]
“He returned from a long sojourn in Europe.” Alan McCulloch, Encyclopedia of Australian Art
to tighten one’s belt—to get set for bad times or poverty
He knew he would have to draw in his horns* and tighten his belt or he would wind up on skid row*.