Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 7 - Day 2
- harass [har´ əs or hə rəs´]
“Over the next weeks came more amendments and harassing tactics including a motion to postpone selection of a new capital.” Carl Sandburg, Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years
- monolithic [mä nə´ li thik]
“Gertrude Stein was a stolid, heavy presence, monolithic, unladylike.” Liz Smith, “When Love Was the Adventure,” TIME, 6/14/99
- arbitrary [är´ bə trer´ ē]
“My arbitrary decision not to run puts Massachusetts at a disadvantage and probably was a mistake.” Representative Martin Meehan in Newsday, 6/1/99
- indigent [in´ də jənt]
“The bill would make modest improvements in the way that counsel is provided for indigent defendants.” Bob Herbert, “Defending the Status Quo,” New York Times, 6/17/99
- fray [frā]
“To the latter end of a fray and the beginning of a feast, Fits a dull fighter and a keen guest.” William Shakespeare, Henry IV
one swallow does not make a summer—don’t jump to conclusions based on incomplete evidence
“Sure, the Yankees won their opening game, but one swallow does not make a summer.”