Paragraph Completion Test 4
Question 1 |
'Gone with the Wind' was one of the most expensive epic pictures made to that time. _____ After the waste of all the money and time to find the right woman for the part, the director's brother brought Vivien Leigh to his brother and said: 'I want you to meet Scarlett O'Hara.'
A | The part of Scarlett O'Hara was carved by most actresses of the day. |
B | The director had many problems with the production of this film. |
C | One of the reasons for this expense was that so many screen test had been made to find the right Scarlett O'Hara |
D | The test films were as long as the picture itself because the director was having many problems. |
E | The actors and actresses that were used for the parts in minor roles were in unusually large numbers. |
Question 2 |
The rate of crime in our area has increased dramatically. _____ The changes in the value of money, inflation, war, etc., have forced some people to revert to crime in order to live.
A | People are always interested in obtaining an easy way of making a few dollars. |
B | It is difficult for the police to deal with all these crimes by themselves. |
C | This seems to be a common problem throughout our country and even the world. |
D | People are not as kind as they have been in the past to those that are in need of support. |
E | The whole country has a problem with crimes and there have been many new groups of young people enlisted into the services. |
Question 3 |
In my youth, my family and I spent our holidays at our village. _____ Although we had no financial ties left there, the relatives and friends that were all very special to us lured us back so that we returned every chance we had.
A | These trips were full of especially joyful memories. |
B | We had holidays from school three times a year. |
C | Everyone waited for us to come. |
D | We knew everyone who lived in the village. |
E | We weren't able to swim or do any sports. |
Question 4 |
It was once said that one of the values of TV films, even old reruns, was that they gave a person a deeper understanding of life. _____ Today, however, as many people do not really have the time to read, good films on TV seem to be the only alternative.
A | I prefer to spend my free time reading a good book. |
B | TV films are many times better than discussing feelings and thoughts with neighbors. |
C | Before these times, good books were said to do the same thing. |
D | Life is probably one of the most difficult things to understand. |
E | Wasting time watching TV is an alternative to thinking about reality. |
Question 5 |
Have you ever noticed how beautiful the web of a spider is? _____ This awe inspiring work of beauty is however, a deadly trap for unsuspecting insects.
A | Some spiders can spin webs that are many times their own size. |
B | There are many horror stories about people and animals who have been trapped in giant webs. |
C | No matter how beautiful it can be, when seen in sunlight, one must not forget it is not really of any value to people. |
D | People have never really wanted to give any value to this natural masterpiece. |
E | The intricate details of their web are so fine and so well crafted that even today no artist can reproduce it. |
Question 6 |
The audience at the concert hall viewed the performance with pleasure. _____ He slowly crossed to the grand piano, bowed towards the audience, gracefully sat down and began to play.
A | The entrance of the long awaited pianist brought the audience to their feet. |
B | Everyone watched with expressions of wonder on their faces. |
C | The look of pleasure on their faces persisted during the whole performance. |
D | The applause in the concert hall could be heard outside. |
E | It is very important for solo performers to make an attractive entrance onto the stage. |
Question 7 |
Being a parent can be very difficult at times. _____ Older children on the other hand, don't want the assistance you offer them for anything.
A | Parents sometimes resent the assistance they have to give their children. |
B | Younger children need assistance with everything. |
C | The more children you have the more difficult it is to find time for yourself. |
D | No one wants to help but everyone offers advice about how to bring up your child. |
E | Children never help around the house. |
Question 8 |
The storm had caused only minor damage on the vessel, and the crew and captain tried to reassure the passengers. _____ So it was decided to return the ship to port and cancel the excursion.
A | The passengers had all tried to help keep the vessel afloat. |
B | The water had flooded the lower levels of the small ship. |
C | It was unfortunate that the crew did not want to help the passengers. |
D | No one died in the accident on board the ship. |
E | However, the passengers were on their first trip and became frightened. |
Question 9 |
The large sheepdog was one of the happiest creatures on the farm. _____ He was like one of the family who faithfully performed his duties and in return was loved and cared for by everyone.
A | He hadn't been adopted by the family right after his birth. |
B | He tended to be silly at times and to not listen. |
C | His mother had died at his birth and the dog had been cared for by the farmer's family from then on. |
D | The visitors had offered to buy the dog from the family. |
E | He ate so much that the farmer and his family had a difficult time feeding him regularly. |
Question 10 |
'The Lady with the Lamp", better known as Florence Nightingale, was a young English woman who trained to be a nurse in Germany . _____ At the end of this time she became accepted as the authority on nursing matters and became involved in establishing nursing schools which taught modem nursing.
A | In her youth she had heard voices that told her of a mission. |
B | There was a mystery about Florence. |
C | Her fame was founded when she changed the situation of nursing soldiers during the Crimean War. |
D | She caused many changes in the field of nursing when she decided to have nurses enter the wards of soldiers. |
E | She spent most of her life working with politicians' various situations. |
Question 11 |
Loch Ness is well known as the lake in which a monster is said to live. _____ Many people have claimed to have seen this monster and some have even taken pictures which are not really clear enough to be good evidence for scientists.
A | The lake is extremely deep and believed to be large enough to hide a huge animal in it. |
B | The monster has disrupted many fishermen in the lake. |
C | People around the lake have created the legend to attract tourists. |
D | It is not possible to see' the monster easily. |
E | At moments like this, the hobby of photography comes in handy |
Question 12 |
Early settlers in America were not injured or hurt by the natives of this land. _____ It was only after they had lost their lands, hunting grounds, and were driven into poor lands, where staying alive was difficult, did they become the savage Indians of television.
A | The Indians were living in the east of the Americas in those days. |
B | The natives in those days were quite different from the Indians |
C | The cowboys of the wild west fought the Indians for may years before taking control of their lands. |
D | The first colonists were in fact aided by the Indians who lived in this area of the word. |
E | Staying alive was the only reason they had anything to do with the Indians |
Question 13 |
The children had gotten dressed in their best clothes. The weather was sunny if not warm. _____ He finally got up and the children gave a cheerful yell and went running to the door.
A | The rain had finally stopped. |
B | The children had been stuck indoors all winter long. |
C | Their new clothes had been hanging in their closet for several weeks and they had been looking forward to showing off while strolling through the town. |
D | Their mother had told them that their father was too ill to go anywhere and that they shouldn't try to take up his Sunday. |
E | They had tried everything to get their father to take them out this Sunday but they had been unsuccessful up to now. |
Question 14 |
It is not easy really to understand and appreciate another culture. One needs to study the language and become fluent in it. One has to be familiar with the history, religion and the aesthetics of the society. _____
A | One should not underestimate the value of what is generally referred to as 'folk' culture. |
B | The study of language is, of course, essential to communication. |
C | Recently, however, countries have been forced to interact. |
D | But even after years of effort there are likely to be certain qualities that remain a mystery to us. |
E | Everyone should be encouraged to learn a foreign language |
Question 15 |
_____ She had been given to the United States by China. But last week she was found dead in her out-door enclosure at the Washington National Zoo. At 23 she was the oldest Panda in captivity outside of China.
A | The panda, Ling-Ling, was one of the best-known and most-loved animals in the world. |
B | A panda is a large black and white animal which lives in the bamboo forests of China. |
C | A panda looks more like a toy than a real animal. |
D | When the President of the United States visited China no one guessed the outcome of the negotiations. |
E | National Zoos in the United States are really wildlife reserves |
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