Verbal Advantage - Level 02 Review Test
Question 1 |
When you read, the best thing you can do to help build your vocabulary is _____.
A | look for words you don’t know |
B | try to guess what words mean from context |
C | read around words you don’t know |
D | read books with difficult words |
Question 2 |
Which word means exuding a fragrance, aromatic?
A | adamant |
B | redolent |
C | poignant |
D | ambient |
Question 3 |
Which one of the following words denotes a coin collector?
A | prestidigitator |
B | philatelist |
C | sommelier |
D | numismatist |
Question 4 |
Which word means to report widely, spread the word?
A | aver |
B | eschew |
C | bruit |
D | impugn |
Question 5 |
Which word means softening, soothing?
A | enervating |
B | emollient |
C | ebullient |
D | effervescent |
Question 6 |
Which word means belonging or native to a particular country or region?
A | indigenous |
B | ingenuous |
C | inviolable |
D | innocuous |
Question 7 |
Which word means arousing sexual desire?
A | clandestine |
B | carnal |
C | avaricious |
D | salacious |
Question 8 |
Which word means means careful and persistent?
A | monotonous |
B | impetuous |
C | assiduous |
D | incessant |
Question 9 |
Which pair of words is not synonymous?
A | antagonism, animosity |
B | rudeness, rancor |
C | malice, malevolence |
D | antipathy, enmity |
Question 10 |
What is the proper pronunciation of poignant?
A | POY-int |
B | POYN-yint |
C | POYG-nint |
D | POYN-int |
Question 11 |
In convocation, the prefix con- means _____.
A | together |
B | against |
C | additional |
D | same |
Question 12 |
Which of the following is not characteristic of a tirade?
A | It is protracted. |
B | It is censorious. |
C | It is enigmatic. |
D | It is vituperative. |
Question 13 |
What is the proper pronunciation of clandestine?
A | klan-DES-tyn |
B | klan-DES-teen |
C | klan-DES-tin |
D | KLAN-des-tyn |
E | KLAN-des-teen |
Question 14 |
Vocal, vocational, and evocative come from the Latin vocare, which means _____.
A | to call |
B | to speak |
C | to feel |
D | to describe |
Question 15 |
Who wrote the classic guide, Modern English Usage?
A | Noah Webster |
B | Theodore M. Bernstein |
C | H. W. Fowler |
D | Mark Twain |
Question 16 |
In which phrase is periphery used figuratively?
A | the periphery of experience |
B | the periphery of town |
Question 17 |
What is the nadir?
A | the lowest point |
B | the highest point |
C | the beginning |
D | the end |
Question 18 |
In modern usage, lucre usually implies _____.
A | a great fortune |
B | ill-gotten gains |
C | a profitable venture |
Question 19 |
In which part of a newspaper are you most likely to come across words you can add to your vocabulary?
A | the sports section |
B | the society page |
C | the editorial page |
D | the advice columns |
Question 20 |
Which of the following is least likely to make a person haggard?
A | working too hard |
B | eating too much |
C | lack of sleep |
D | malnutrition |
Question 21 |
Improvident, prodigal, profligate, and spendthrift all mean _____.
A | foolish |
B | unlucky |
C | poor |
D | wasteful |
Question 22 |
Which word is not a synonym of verbose?
A | prolix |
B | voluble |
C | garrulous |
D | taciturn |
E | loquacious |
Question 23 |
The phrase “a paragon of American ingenuity” would best describe which person?
A | Abraham Lincoln |
B | Thomas Alva Edison |
C | Ernest Hemingway |
D | Martin Luther King, Jr. |
Question 24 |
What is the preferred pronunciation of -lived in short-lived and long-lived?
A | with a short i as in give |
B | with a long i as in strive |
Question 25 |
Which of the following is a privative prefix meaning “not”?
A | sub- |
B | con- |
C | mis- |
D | in- |
Question 26 |
What is the traditional and proper pronunciation of assuage?
A | uh-SWAYZH |
B | uh-SWAYJ |
C | uh-SWAHZH |
Question 27 |
Three of the following words are related in meaning. Find the unrelated word:
A | investigate |
B | authenticate |
C | corroborate |
D | substantiate |
Question 28 |
Which sentence illustrates the precise and proper use of comprise?
A | New York City comprises five boroughs. |
B | New York City is comprised of five boroughs. |
Question 29 |
Which word properly refers to things experienced through the senses?
A | sensuous |
B | sensual |
Question 30 |
Cursory, course, curriculum, and courier all come from the Latin currere, which means
A | to examine |
B | to deliver |
C | to run |
D | to be steady |
Question 31 |
Enigmatic, cryptic, and equivocal are synonyms of which word?
A | reticent |
B | ambiguous |
C | ambivalent |
D | tenuous |
Question 32 |
Which word is an antonym of cursory?
A | protracted |
B | haphazard |
C | slapdash |
D | superficial |
Question 33 |
Someone who vacillates _____.
A | puts things off |
B | is reluctant to speak |
C | has difficulty making a decision |
D | rushes ahead without thinking |
Question 34 |
Clement comes from a Latin word that means _____.
A | sweet |
B | friendly |
C | mild |
D | light |
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List |
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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | End |