4000 Essential English Words 4 Unit 7: The Architect’s Plan

4000 Essential English Words 4 Unit 7: The Architect’s Plan

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Word List

  • account [əˈkaunt] n. 

An account with a bank is an arrangement to keep one’s money there.

 After I paid for the new car, my bank account was nearly empty.

  • architect [ˈɑːrkɪtekt] n. 

An architect is a person who designs buildings.

 The plans for building the new home were drawn by a famous architect.

  • conceal [kənˈsiːl] v. 

To conceal something means to hide it.

 You should conceal your money so no one can take it from you.

  • crime [kraɪm] n. 

crime is something bad that a person does that can be punished by law.

 Police quickly arrived at the scene of the crime.

  • deed [diːd] n. 

deed is a certificate that proves that someone owns something.

 When she bought the car, she was given a deed to show the car was hers.

  • gratitude [ˈgrӕtətjuːd] n. 

Gratitude is a feeling of being thankful.

 The kids showed Aunt Tess much gratitude for visiting them.

  • habitat [ˈhӕbətӕt] n. 

habitat is the natural home of animals or plants.

 Frogs are often found in a wet habitat, such as near a lake, river, or pond.

  • intervene [intərviːn] v. 

To intervene means to help stop a problem between two people or groups.

 The students argued until the teacher intervened.

  • landmark [ˈlændmɑːrk] n. 

landmark is an object that helps people find or remember a location.

 The tall tree was used as a landmark for people to find the road to the inn.

  • legal [ˈliːgəl] adj. 

If something is legal, it is related to the law or allowed by the law.

 It was not legal for him to drive until he was eighteen years old.

  • memorable [ˈmemərəbəl] adj. 

If something is memorable, then it is remembered for a special reason.

 The party was memorable; people were still talking about it years later.

  • oblige [əˈblaɪdʒ] v. 

To oblige someone means to require them to do something.

 If I wanted to have playtime, I was obliged to clean my room once a week.

  • offense [əˈfens] n. 

An offense is an action that breaks the law and requires punishment.

 He was put in jail for two days for the offense.

  • proclaim [prouˈkleim] v. 

To proclaim something means to say it in public.

 The army general proclaimed that the war was won.

  • rally [ˈrӕli] n. 

rally is a large public meeting in order to support something.

 The school had a rally in the gym to support the basketball team.

  • resolve [rɪˈzɒlv] v. 

To resolve something means to find a solution.

 She resolved the problem with her children by giving them both a toy.

  • resource [rɪˈsɔːrs] n. 

Resources are a person or country’s money and materials that they can use.

 The poor man didn’t have the resources to feed himself.

  • sentence [ˈsentəns] n. 

sentence is punishment given to someone who didn’t follow the law.

 The sentence for stealing a car is much worse than for stealing candy.

  • volunteer [volənˈtiər] v. 

To volunteer means to offer to do something for free.

 Many people volunteered to help the adults learn to read.

  • witness [ˈwitnis] n. 

witness is someone who sees or hears a crime or accident happen.

 The woman was the only witness of the horrible crime.

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