4000 Essential English Words 6 Unit 15: Epidemic in Zimbabwe
Word List
- adhere [ədˈhiər] v.
To adhere means to act in the way that a rule or agreement says is right.
→ If the new employees wish to succeed, they must adhere to the boss’s rules.
- administer [ədˈministər] v.
To administer means to take responsibility for organizing something.
→ The teacher’s assistant will administer the test.
- compassionate [kəmˈpæʃənit] adj.
When people are compassionate, they feel pity and sympathy for others.
→ The compassionate nurse tried to make the sick man feel comfortable.
- contaminate [kənˈtæməneit] v.
To contaminate something means to put dirty or harmful chemicals into it.
→ The lake was contaminated when pollutants entered into the water.
- deficiency [diˈfiʃənsi] n.
A deficiency is a lack of something, especially something that is needed.
→ Your snack has a deficiency of any real nutrients.
- epidemic [ˌepəˈdemik] n.
An epidemic is an outbreak of a disease that spreads quickly.
→ It was difficult to stop the flu epidemic.
- hazard [ˈhæzərd] n.
A hazard is something that could be dangerous to a person’s health or safety.
→ Smoking cigarettes poses many health hazards.
- imperative [imˈperətiv] adj.
When something is imperative, it is extremely important and must be done.
→ It was imperative for him to find a job.
- intestines [inˈtestinz] n.
Intestines are tubes through which food passes after it leaves the stomach.
→ Whatever you eat goes into your intestines.
- manifest [ˈmӕnəfest] v.
To manifest means to make something visible or obvious.
→ The holiday season manifested joy in the children.
- metabolic [ˌmetəˈbɒlik] adj.
When something is metabolic, it relates to a person’s or animal’s metabolism.
→ People who have a low metabolic rate will gain weight.
- overcrowded [ˌouvərˈkraudid] adj.
When a place is overcrowded, it has too many people or things in it.
→ The lobby was overcrowded with people.
- paramount [ˈpærəmaunt] adj.
When something is paramount, it is more important than anything else.
→ The safety of passengers must be paramount when designing a car.
- practitioner [prækˈtiʃənər] n.
A practitioner is a doctor.
→ She made an appointment with the practitioner to treat her cough.
- provision [prəˈviʒən] n.
The provision of something is the act of giving it to people in need or want.
→ That department is responsible for the provision of emergency supplies.
- replenish [riˈpleniʃ] v.
To replenish something means to make it full or complete again.
→ We planted nearly one hundred seeds to replenish the garden after the fire.
- sterile [ˈsteril] adj.
When something is sterile, it is completely clean and free from germs.
→ The hospital room looked quite sterile.
- upgrade [ˈʌpgreid] v.
To upgrade something means to improve it or make it more efficient.
→ He upgraded to a real fancy car.
- viable [ˈvaiəbəl] adj.
When something is viable, it is capable of doing what it is intended to do.
→ Her method of solving the math problem seemed viable.
- voluntary [ˈvɒləntəri] adj.
When something is voluntary, it is done by choice but is not required.
→ Many people attended the voluntary boat safety class.