Essential Words for the TOEFL Lesson 1 Vocabulary Test

Essential Words for the TOEFL Lesson 1 Vocabulary Test

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  • abroad

adv. to or in another country
syn. overseas; internationally

Louis Armstrong often traveled abroad.
Living abroad can be an educational experience.

  • abrupt (adv. abruptly; n. abruptness)

adj. quick; without warning
syn. sudden

There was an abrupt change in the weather.
After the incident everyone left abruptly.

  • acceptable (v. accept; adv. acceptably; n. acceptability; adj. accepting)

adj. allowable or satisfactory
syn. permissible

The idea was acceptable to everyone.
The registrar accepted more applicants than he should have.

  • acclaim (adj. acclaimed; n. acclamation)
  1. enthusiastic approval; applause

Leonardo DiCaprio has earned acclaim abroad as an actor.
Acclaimed authors often win Pulitzer Prizes.

  • adverse (adv. adversely; n. adversity; n. adversary)

adj. displeasing, objectionable, or bad
syn. unfavorable

The game was cancelled by officials due to the adverse weather conditions.
His indecision adversely affected his job performance.

  • aspect
  1. a part or characteristic of something; an element

I would trust the professional’s advice in that aspect of economics.
There are many fascinating aspects to the complex procedure.

  • attractive (v. attract; n. attraction; n. attractiveness; adv. attractively)

adj. calling attention to; pleasing; creating interest; pretty
syn. appealing

The idea of working four, ten-hour work days was attractive to many employees.
The major attraction of the show was a speech by the president.

  • autonomous (adv. autonomously)

adj. by itself; with no association
syn. independent

Mexico became an autonomous state in 1817.
Although working closely with the government, all businesses function autonomously.

  • chronic (adv. chronically)

adj. always present; continual
syn. constant

The author’s chronic headache prevented her from finishing the chapter.
He is chronically late to class.

  • disapproval (v. disapprove; adv. disapprovingly)
  1. the act of disagreeing; not giving approval

Their disapproval of the plan caused the experiment to be abandoned.
The students disapproved of the level of difficulty of the test.

  • disruptive (v. disrupt; n. disruption; adv. disruptively)

adj. causing confusion and interruption
syn. disturbing

Frequent questions during lectures can be disruptive.
The storm caused a disruption in bus service.

  • haphazardly (adj. haphazard; n. haphazardness)

adv. having no order or pattern; by chance
syn. arbitrarily; carelessly

It was obvious that the house was built haphazardly.
Susan completed the assignment in a haphazard way.

  • intervention (v. intervene)
  1. taking action; be involved

The tutor’s intervention helped him improve his grade.
Some world leaders decide to not intervene in the affairs of other nations.

  • persistent (v. persist; n. persistence; adv. persistently)

adj. continuous; refusing to give up; firm in action or decision
syn. constant

The attorney’s persistent questioning unsettled the witness.
Her persistence earned her a spot on the team.

  • postpone (adj. postponable; n. postponement)
  1. to change to a later time; to delay

The referees decided to postpone the soccer match.
The postponement of the meeting upset the impatient club members.

  • valid (n. validity; adv. validly)

adj. producing a desired result based on truths or facts
syn. convincing

The students had a valid reason for missing class.
The professor questioned the validity of the test results.

  • withdraw (n. withdrawal)
  1. to remove, take out, or take back

The player withdrew from the competition.
Gloria had to make a withdrawal from her savings to pay tuition.

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