Idioms Test 03
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Question 1 |
"Easy does it" means _____.
A | let's do it later |
B | let's do it carefully |
C | let's do it quickly |
Question 2 |
To "eat your words" means _____.
A | to apologize |
B | to shout loudly |
C | to be quiet to apologize |
Question 3 |
To "eat out" means _____.
A | to rot away |
B | to eat in a restaurant |
C | to eat everything |
Question 4 |
To "edge out" means _____.
A | to move in slowly |
B | with the narrow side outwards |
C | to force out |
Question 5 |
To "eke out" means _____.
A | to rush out |
B | to do with difficulty |
C | to make easily |
Question 6 |
"En masse" means _____.
A | one by one |
B | nobody |
C | as a group |
Question 7 |
If you "keep an eye out" it means _____.
A | watch carefully |
B | you are in charge |
C | you don't pay attention |
Question 8 |
To "eat like a horse" means _____.
A | to eat noisily |
B | to eat a little |
C | to eat a lot |
Question 9 |
To "egg on" means _____.
A | to eat enough |
B | to encourage |
C | to annoy |
Question 10 |
To "ease up" means _____.
A | to make less nervous |
B | to increase pressure |
C | to go faster |
Question 11 |
To "face the music" means _____.
A | accept your punishment |
B | listen carefully |
C | ask a lot of questions |
Question 12 |
When it's "fair and square" it's _____.
A | unusual |
B | confused |
C | honest |
Question 13 |
To "fall behind" means to _____.
A | not keep up |
B | hurt yourself |
C | get angry |
Question 14 |
If something "falls through" it _____.
A | happens perfectly |
B | explodes |
C | fails to happen |
Question 15 |
"Far and wide" means _____.
A | in a limited area |
B | everywhere |
C | at one time |
Question 16 |
"Fat chance" means _____.
A | very lucky |
B | no possibility |
C | unlucky |
Question 17 |
"If it's a "feather in your cap" it means it's _____.
A | a problem |
B | cowardly |
C | an honor |
Question 18 |
If you are "fed up" you have _____.
A | had enough |
B | eaten enough |
C | drunk too much |
Question 19 |
If you "feel like" something you _____.
A | want to touch something |
B | don't like something |
C | want to do something |
Question 20 |
To "feel out" means to _____.
A | test an idea |
B | tell a secret |
C | hide something |
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