Idioms Test 08
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Question 1 |
If you are "off the hook", you are _____.
A | going to do something bad |
B | out of trouble |
C | crazy |
Question 2 |
If something is "old hat", it _____.
A | isn't new |
B | isn't popular |
C | well known |
Question 3 |
"Of service" means to be _____.
A | efficient |
B | useful |
C | desirable |
Question 4 |
"Once in a blue moon" is _____.
A | often |
B | sometimes |
C | rarely |
Question 5 |
To be "on edge" is to be _____.
A | ignorant |
B | nervous |
C | knowledgeable |
Question 6 |
"On time" means _____.
A | late |
B | expected to be late |
C | not late |
Question 7 |
"Out like a light" means to _____.
A | run away |
B | work very hard |
C | go to sleep quickly |
Question 8 |
"Out of order" means it _____.
A | is untidy |
B | doesn't work |
C | is unavailable |
Question 9 |
"Out of shape" means to be _____.
A | unfit |
B | energetic |
C | or do something unusual |
Question 10 |
To "pack off" means to _____.
A | put away |
B | give away |
C | send away |
Question 11 |
A "pain in the neck" means something is _____.
A | unusual |
B | bothersome |
C | difficult to see |
Question 12 |
To "pair off" means to _____.
A | separate things |
B | make large groups |
C | put two things together |
Question 13 |
If it is "par for the course", it is _____.
A | typical |
B | very good |
C | terrible |
Question 14 |
To "part with" means to _____.
A | belong to |
B | a section of |
C | be separated from |
Question 15 |
To "pass over" means to _____.
A | over take |
B | ignore |
C | give up |
Question 16 |
"Pint size" is _____.
A | very big |
B | average |
C | small |
Question 17 |
To "pop up" means to _____.
A | volunteer |
B | appear suddenly |
C | raise your head |
Question 18 |
"To pull off" means to _____.
A | lose something |
B | succeed |
C | plan |
Question 19 |
To "put down" means to _____.
A | crush or stop |
B | encourage or excite |
C | fast or erratic movement |
Question 20 |
If it's "on the QT", it's _____.
A | quick |
B | on credit |
C | secret |
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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
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16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
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