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Synonymous Sentences Find the Odd Man Out MCQ Test With Answers - Mini Comprehension Exercise 5
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Question 1 |
Choose the odd one out.
Lovers are so foolish when they believe love will last forever.
A | Some lovers are foolish enough not to believe that love will last forever. |
B | O lovers! Don't be so foolish. No love lasts forever. |
C | No love lasts forever. Lovers would be wise to know this. |
D | When you are in love, you have no doubt that it will live forever. |
E | Lovers think that their love will never die. |
Question 2 |
Hadn't I missed that plane on that day, I wouldn't be alive now.
A | Aren't I lucky to have missed that plane! |
B | If I am alive today, it is because I didn't get on that plane that day. |
C | The fact that I am alive today is due to the fact that I didn't miss that plane. |
D | If I hadn't missed that plane, I wouldn't be here talking to you now. |
E | I owe my life to the fact that I missed that plane that day. |
Question 3 |
I find it impossible not to feel sorry for her.
A | She makes it impossible for me not to feel sorry for her. |
B | I would feel sorry for her even if I tried not to. |
C | There is nothing I can do to stop myself feeling sorry for her. |
D | I can't help feeling sorry for her. |
E | It is not possible for me not to feel sorry for her. |
Question 4 |
His father pretended not to know what the boy had done.
A | His father preferred not to show that he knew what the boy had done. |
B | His father didn't choose to show that he knew what the boy had done. |
C | His father knew perfectly well what the boy had done. |
D | What the boy had done was not unknown to his father. |
E | His father wanted to forget what the boy had done. |
Question 5 |
My friend used to visit her aunt once a month only.
A | Only once a month did my friend use to visit her aunt. |
B | My friend didn't visit her aunt more than once a month. |
C | Only one visit per month was paid by my friend to her aunt. |
D | My friend visited her aunt not more than once a month. |
E | Her aunt was used to and pleased about being visited by my friend once a month only. |
Question 6 |
The man left the room angrily. You had talked to that man's wife the day before.
A | The man left the room angrily because you had talked to his wife the day before. |
B | The man whose wife you had talked to the day before left the room angrily. |
C | The man who left the room angrily is the husband of the woman you had talked to the day before. |
D | I don't know whether or not the man was angry because you had talked to his wife the day before. |
E | All I know is that you had talked to that man's wife the day before and that he now left the room angrily. |
Question 7 |
He must have had a new lock put on the door.
A | He must have had someone come and put a new lock on the door. |
B | It seems that he has put a new lock on the door. |
C | There seems to be a new lock on the door because – I suppose – he wanted it to be changed. |
D | I suppose he asked someone to come and put a new lock on the door. |
E | This old key I have here is no good. Obviously, he has had the lock changed. |
Question 8 |
I'll help you provided that you promise to be more careful from now on.
A | I'll help you on condition that you promise to be more careful from now on. |
B | Whether or not I will help you depends on whether or not you promise to be more careful in the future. |
C | If you promise to provide some help from now on, I will be careful, too. |
D | That you promise to be more careful in the future is the necessary condition for me to help you. |
E | If you promise me that you'll be more careful in the future, I will help you. |
Question 9 |
Finally, he said that he was pleased the negotiations had come to a satisfactory conclusion.
A | He concluded his words by pointing out that he was pleased to see the negotiations had been brought to a satisfactory conclusion. |
B | He said that he was pleased the negotiations had finally come to a satisfactory conclusion. |
C | The negotiations had been brought to a satisfactory conclusion. He finished his words by saying that he was pleased about this. |
D | Lastly, he expressed his contentment that the negotiations had been satisfactorily concluded. |
E | The last thing he expressed as he finished his words was the contentment he felt over the satisfactory conclusion the negotions had been brought to. |
Question 10 |
Naturally, one doesn't expect polar bears to live happily in the desert.
A | A desert would be an unnatural environment for polar bears to live and multiply in. |
B | Polar bears cannot be expected to live happily in the desert. |
C | It would go against their natural self for polar bears to live in deserts. |
D | It would be unnatural to see polar bears live happily in the desert. |
E | There is nothing unnatural about polar bears living in the desert happily. |
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