400 Must Have Words for the TOEFL LESSON 18 - War and Conquest Vocabulary Test
Word List
annex [ˈænɛks] v.
To make something (usually land) part of another unit
→ Bardstown grew by annexing several farms at the north edge of town.
Parts of speech annexation n., annex n.
apex [ˈeɪpɛks] n.
The highest point
→ Gregory knew that his running skills had to be at their apex during the tournament.
Usage tips Apex is often used to describe the high point of someone’s abilities.
collapse [kəˈlæps] v.
To fall down, usually because of weakness
→ the roof collapsed on top of me
Parts of speech collapse n., collapsible adj.
conquest [ˈkɒŋkwest] n.
A takeover by force or continued effort
→ The first recorded conquest of Mt.Everest was by Tensing Norgay and Sir Edmund Hilary.
Usage tips Conquest is usually followed by an of phrase.
Parts of speech conquer v.
devise [dɪˈvaɪz] v.
To find an original way to make an object or a plan
→ The soldiers devised a way to cross the river into enemy territory without being seen.
Parts of speech device n.
invasive [ɪnˈveɪsɪv] adj.
Aggressively entering into someone else’s territory
→ Surgery with a laser is less invasive than surgery with a knife or scalpel.
Parts of speech invade v., invasion n., invader n.
prevailing [prɪˈveɪlɪŋ] adj.
Strongest or most common
→ The prevailing attitude among our neighbors is to be friendly but not too friendly.
Parts of speech prevail v., prevalence n.
resist [rɪˈzɪst] v.
To refuse to give in to a strong force or desire
→ Although many native nations resisted, the U.S.government eventually took over almost all Indian land.
Parts of speech resistance n., resistant adj.
severely [sɪˈvɪəlɪ] adv.
Harshly; extremely
→ Commanders severely punished any soldier who criticized the battle plan.
Parts of speech severity n., severe adj.
violation [ˌvaɪəˈleɪʃən] n.
An action that breaks a law or agreement; mistreatment of something that deserves respect
→ The army’s testing of new weapons was a violation of the cease-fire agreement.
Usage tips Violation is often followed by an of phrase.
Parts of speech violate v., violator n.