400 Must Have Words for the TOEFL LESSON 22 - Personal Property Vocabulary Test
Word List
acquire [əˈkwaɪər] v.
To get something, usually something with special value or meaning
→ Bart hoped to acquire the 1898 D Indian Head penny, which would make his collection complete.
Usage tips Unlike get, acquire implies that a possession has special value or meaning.
Parts of speech acquisition n., acquisitive adj.
assess [əˈses] v.
To estimate the value of something
→ The Barnes building was assessed at $1.3 million,but it can probably sell for much more than that.
Parts of speech assessor n., assessment n.
asset [ˈæset] n.
A possession that has positive value
Usage tips Some examples of assets are real estate, cash, and stock shares.
hazardous [ˈhæzədəs] adj.
→ Parents have to be careful not to buy children’s clothes and toys made of hazardous materials.
Parts of speech hazard n., hazardously adv.
jointly [ˈdʒɔɪntlɪ] adv.
Together with one or more other parties
→ In most states, a husband and wife are assumed to own all their possessions jointly.
Parts of speech join v., joint n.
lease [liːs] v.
To rent something for a long time (several months or years)
→ Some drivers prefer to lease a car rather than buy one.
Parts of speech lease n., lessor n., lessee n.
liability [ˌlaɪəˈbɪlɪtɪ] n.
Legal responsibility for harming a person or property; a disadvantage
→ Before you go river rafting, you sign a document releasing the trip leaders from liability in case of injury.
Usage tips In its second meaning, liability is often followed by a to phrase.
Parts of speech liable adj.
proprietor [prəˈpraɪətər] n.
Owner, usually of a business or a building
→ The proprietor of Hekman’s Windows is Nels Hekman,grandson of the people who established the factory.
Usage tips Very often, proprietor is followed by an of phrase.
Parts of speech proprietary adj.
safeguard [ˈseɪfgɑːd] v.
To protect
→ A burglar-alarm system safeguards our house when we go away on vacation.
Usage tips Safeguard implies continuous protection over a long time.
sole [soul] adj.
→ Many people have wanted to invest in Harry’s publishing business, but he remains the sole owner.
Usage tips Sole almost always appears before the noun it modifies. It does not come after a linking verb like be.
Parts of speech solely adv.