4000 Essential English Words 5 Unit 17: “I Didn’t Do It!”
Word List
- attorney [əˈtəːrni] n.
An attorney is one who gives others advice about the law.
→ The attorney appeared in front of the judge for me.
- chronic [ˈkrɒnik] adj.
When something is chronic, it happens over and over again over time.
→ He had chronic pain in his chest and needed to see a doctor.
- discipline [ˈdisəplin] n.
Discipline is training that helps people follow the rules.
→ One of the teacher’s jobs is to teach her students discipline.
- donor [ˈdounər] n.
A donor is somebody who gives something to an organization.
→ He was proud to be a blood donor.
- fellow [ˈfelou] n.
A fellow is someone who shares a job or quality with someone else.
→ All of my fellow patients at the hospital have also complained about the food.
- gossip [ˈgɒsip] n.
Gossip is information that might be untrue but is still discussed anyway.
→ The friends exchanged gossip about the people they knew in school.
- graduate [ˈgrædjueit] v.
To graduate from a school means to complete and pass all courses of study there.
→ At the end of the spring, my friends and I will graduate from high school.
- graffiti [grəˈfiːti:] n.
Graffiti is words or drawings in public places.
→ The wall was covered with colorful graffiti.
- guardian [ˈgɑːrdiən] n.
A guardian is someone who protects somebody or something.
→ The librarians are the guardians of the books.
- implicate [ˈimpləkeit] v.
To implicate someone is to show that they have done a crime or something bad.
→ The man was implicated in the theft at the store.
- kin [kin] n.
Kin is a person’s family and relatives.
→ His kin were all farmers.
- referee [ˌrefəˈriː] n.
A referee is a person who makes sure that the rules are followed in sports.
→ The soccer player didn’t agree with the referee.
- sever [ˈsevə:r] v.
To sever something is to cut through it completely.
→ He severed the string using scissors.
- shaft [ʃæft] n.
A shaft is a handle of a tool or weapon.
→ The golf club had a long wooden shaft that he held in his hands.
- stab [stæb] v.
To stab means to cut someone or something with a sharp object like a knife.
→ He stabbed the fork into the potato and passed it to his daughter.
- stimulus [ˈstimjələs] n.
A stimulus is something that causes growth or activity.
→ Having a lot of money is a stimulus for people to buy more things.
- suspicion [səsˈpiʃən] n.
A suspicion is a feeling that something is possible or true in a crime.
→ The police had a suspicion that the driver had stolen the purse.
- terminate [ˈtəːrməneit] v.
To terminate something means to stop or end it.
→ The trip was terminated after the car broke down.
- theme [θiːm] n.
A theme is the main subject of a book, movie, or painting.
→ The students discussed the book’s theme in class.
- tuition [tju:iʃən] n.
Tuition is the amount of money paid to go to a school.
→ University tuitions have increased by fifty percent in the last five years.