4000 Essential English Words 5 Unit 28: The Lottery
Word List
- aquarium [əˈkwɛəriəm] n.
An aquarium is a building where fish and underwater animals are kept.
→ We took a trip to the aquarium and saw a scary shark.
- arbitrary [ˈɑːrbitreri] adj.
If something is arbitrary, it is not based on any plan or system, so it seems random.
→ The classroom had many arbitrary rules that made me confused.
- autobiography [ˌɔːtəbaiˈɒgrəfi] n.
An autobiography is a true story of a person’s life written by that person.
→ I read an autobiography about my favorite entertainer.
- convention [kənˈvenʃən] n.
A convention is behavior that is considered to be common or polite.
→ In the US, a popular convention is to shake hands when you meet someone.
- gracious [ˈgreiʃəs] adj.
If someone is gracious, then they are kind and helpful to those who need it.
→ The operator was gracious enough to help me find his number.
- improve [imˈpruːv] v.
To improve something means to make it better.
→ He studied hard to improve his test scores from the previous year.
- insulate [ˈinsəleit] v.
To insulate something means to protect it from heat, cold, or noise.
→ People can conserve energy by insulating their houses.
- intrigue [inˈtriːg] v.
To intrigue means to cause an interest in something or someone.
→ Her mysterious past intrigued her new friend.
- longevity [lɒnˈdʒevəti] n.
Longevity is the ability to live for a long time.
→ Sea turtles have an amazing longevity.
- misplace [misˈpleis] v.
To misplace something means to lose it.
→ I misplaced my wallet, and I didn’t find it until a week later.
- naughty [ˈnɔːti] adj.
When children are naughty, they behave badly or do not do what they are told.
→ The boy had to go to his room because he was being naughty.
- norm [nɔːrm] n.
A norm is a way of behaving that is considered normal in a particular society.
→ Wearing a heavy coat all summer is not considered a norm in the desert.
- orangutan [ɔ:ˈræŋuˈtæn] n.
An orangutan is a large ape with red and brown hair and long arms.
→ Orangutans use their long arms to swing from trees.
- overload [ˌouvərˈloud] v.
To overload something means to put more things into it than it is meant to hold.
→ If you overload the truck, it might crash.
- philanthropy [fiˈlænθrəpi] n.
Philanthropy is the act of helping others, without wanting anything in return.
→ The wealthy business owner is well known for his acts of philanthropy.
- probe [proub] v.
To probe into something means to ask questions to discover facts about it.
→ The bank probed into his financial history to see if he qualified for a loan.
- recipient [riˈsipiənt] n.
A recipient of something is the person who receives it.
→ I was the recipient of four phone calls today.
- reptile [ˈreptail] n.
A reptile is a cold-blooded animal that lays eggs and has skin covered with scales.
→ Lizards are my favorite type of reptile.
- thrive [θraiv] v.
To thrive means to do well and be successful, healthy, or strong.
→ He may be an old man, but he continues to thrive.
- ultimate [ˈʌltəmit] adj.
When something is ultimate, it is the final result or aim of a long series of events.
→ By trying hard in school, I will reach my ultimate goal of becoming a doctor.