Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 2 - Day 4
- avid [av´ id]
“CUNY will have no more avid and fierce supporter for its mission than himself.” Karen Arenson, “New Vice-Chairman of CUNY,” New York Times, 6/10/99
- cajole [kə jōl´]
“We had to cajole tonight’s guest to come on the program because he’s something of a hermit.” Larry King on his CNN TV program, 8/25/99
- rudimentary [rü´ də men´ tə rē]
“Some of them were singing, some talking, some engaged in gardening, haymaking, or other rudimentary industries.” “The Other Side of the Hedge,” E. M. Forster
- enhance [in hans´]
“Her breadth of experience and determination to enhance her knowledge have increased her value to Con Edison.” Con Edison Report, Producing Excellence, 1998
- nuance [nü äns´]
“With Minnie Driver adroitly mining each nuance of social primness, Jane is the first Disney cartoon heroine to provide her own comic relief.” Richard Corliss, “Him Tarzan, Him Great,” TIME, 6/14/99
- to beard the lion in his den—to visit and oppose a person on his own grounds
Having decided to beard the lion, I stormed into the manager’s office to ask for a raise.