Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 21 - Day 1
- scion [sī´ ən]
“Al Gore is the Good Son, the early achieving scion from Harvard and Tennessee who always thought he would be President.” Maureen Dowd, “Freudian Face-Off,” New York Times, 6/15/99
- indoctrinate [in dok´ trə nāt]
“Teachers have indoctrinated students in practical subjects like home ec.” Jodie Morse, “Hitched in Home Room,” TIME, 6/21/99
- opulence [op´ yə ləns]
“Poirot followed him, looking with appreciation at such works of art as were of an opulent and florid nature.” Agatha Christie, “The Dream”
- obsequious [əb sē´ kwē əs]
“and the survivor bound In filial obligation for some term To do obsequious sorrow.” William Shakespeare, Hamlet
- fulsome [fül´ səm]
“I was appreciative of his sincere and fulsome praise.” Ruth McKinney, “A Loud Sneer for Our Feathered Friends”
two strings to one’s bow—two means of achieving one’s aim
The salesman had two strings to his bow—if a phone call didn’t get results, he would appear in person.