Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 24 - Day 4
- vulnerable [vul´ nər ə bəl]
“Any vulnerable area in an otherwise strong person or structure is known as an Achilles heel.” Barbara G. Walker, The Women’s Encyclopedia
- entreaty [en trē´ tē]
“The police captain made one more entreaty for the unruly crowd to leave.” New York Post, 10/23/99
- tradition [trə dish´ ən]
“The town had a century-old tradition—an eight-hour canoe race.” Brenda Flock, “The Race”
- originate [ə rij´ ə nā]
“The early Egyptian rulers, in order to stop the practice of cannibalism, originated the method that protected the dead—mummification.” E. A. Wallis Budge, The Mummy
- inviolable [in vī´ ə lə bəl]
“The coach broke an inviolable rule by striking one of his players.” Don DeLillo, End Zone
blue chip—a highly valuable asset, stock, or property In poker, the blue chips are those with the highest value.
My father’s broker recommended that for safety we invest in blue chip stocks only.