Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 33 - Day 4
- propensity [prə pen´ sə tē]
“You had a propensity for telling simple and professional tales before the war.” Joseph Conrad, “The Tale”
- wary [wer´ ē]
“These figures were wary in their movements and perfectly silent afoot.” Joseph Conrad, Lord Jim
- allay [ə lā´]
“The President’s message was an attempt to allay the fears of senior citizens.” “The Future of Medicare,” Washington Post, 3/16/98
- deter [di tėr´]
“Concern for his job did not deter him from making public the dangers of smoking.” “Brave Politician,” New York Times, 4/12/99
- connoisseur [kon´ ə sėr´]
“This is the car for the connoisseur who doesn’t have to think about cost.” Car and Driver, 10/99
out of one’s depth—in a situation that is too difficult to handle
We thought he knew the ropes,* but we found him behind the eight ball* because he was out of his depth.