Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 4 - Day 4
- solace [sol´ is]
“He read in a Bible that he had neglected for years, but he could gain little solace from it.” Theodore Dreiser, “The Lost Phoebe”
- aspirant [əspī´ rənt]
“A number of playwrights, small aspirants to the big screen, must already be pricing beach houses in Malibu.” Ross Wetzsteon, Introduction to New Plays USA
- dregs [dregz]
“Some certain dregs of conscience are yet within me.” William Shakespeare, Richard III
- frenzy [fren´ zē]
“They had a sense of the wildest adventure, which mounted to frenzy, when some men rose on the shore and shouted to them, ‘Hello, there! What are you doing with that boat?’ ” William Dean Howells, A Boy’s Town
- scurrilous [skėr´ ə ləs]
“They were infuriated by the scurrilous articles about them that started to crop up in the tabloids.” Charles Blauvelt, Edward and Wally
to rule the roost—to be in charge, to be master (a roost is a perch where domestic birds can sleep)
Although he is a lowly private in the army, at home he rules the roost.