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Grammar and Structure Revision MCQ Test With Answers - Odd One Out Exercise 4
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Question 1 |
Choose the odd one out.
A | Although you think you understand how to do something at the time, you may later find out that you misunderstood it all or cannot remember how to do just one of the steps. |
B | Has anyone got an idea who she is speaking to? |
C | A lawyer advised me not to do. |
D | I wish I knew what the world is coming to. |
E | I'm beginning to get really cross now. Don't you know who you're talking to? |
Question 1 Explanation:
A lawyer advised me not to do it.
Question 2 |
Choose the odd one out.
A | Whoever says that is a liar. |
B | I will follow you / Follow you wherever you may go / There isn't an ocean too deep / A mountain so high it can keep / Keep me away, away from my love. |
C | Whenever I want some company / Whenever I need a song to play / Whenever my love is sitting by me / And when I can't find the words to say / I let the drums do the talking. |
D | We were warmly welcomed wherever we went.We were warmly welcomed wherever we went. |
E | Eat whatever you like it. |
Question 2 Explanation:
Eat whatever you like.
Question 3 |
Choose the odd one out.
A | You can stay here, as long as you are quite. |
B | "Has she ever stayed here before?" "Not that I know of." |
C | You can have the lot, for all I care. |
D | Yes, he may bring along a friend, as far as I'm concerned. |
E | "Have you ever had any kidney trouble?" "Not that I know of." |
Question 3 Explanation:
You can stay here, as long as you are quiet.
Question 4 |
Choose the odd one out.
A | I can't come with you, because I haven't got a ticket. |
B | Since we're early, let's have a drink first. |
C | As you've been here before, you'd better lead the way. |
D | Some major investment projects have been suspended in view of the fact that the country is currently running a large budget deficit. |
E | For it's nearly bedtime, we must finish the game soon. |
Question 4 Explanation:
We must finish the game soon, for it's nearly bedtime,.
Question 5 |
Choose the odd one out.
A | The journey, as I recall it, was long and tedious. |
B | We were at a disadvantage in that they outnumbered us two to one. |
C | You may do it whichever way you choose to. |
D | Your friend climbs trees as a monkey. |
E | This time, he didn't fail to respond the way we wanted him to. |
Question 5 Explanation:
Your friend climbs trees like a monkey.
Question 6 |
Choose the odd one out.
A | Ironically, bad as things are, we know that everything could be worse and that we can only be thankful they aren't worse than they are. |
B | Being a mother herself, she'll understand your predicament. |
C | No matter how bad things are, because we had never given up hope completely. |
D | Things being as they are, unfortunately the economy shows no signs of an early recovery. |
E | However rich some people are, they never seem to be satisfied with their lot. |
Question 6 Explanation:
No matter how bad things were, we never gave up hope completely.
Question 7 |
Choose the odd one out.
A | The person whom I am going to talk about now is somebody you all know. |
B | The person who I am going to talk about him now is somebody you all know. |
C | The person I am going to talk about now is somebody you all know. |
D | The person that I am going to talk about now is somebody, I am sure, you all know. |
E | The person I am going to talk about now is somebody, I am sure, you all know. |
Question 7 Explanation:
The person who I am going to talk about now is somebody you all know.
Question 8 |
Choose the odd one out.
A | They were wondering about what it was that the man wanted. |
B | The switchboard is to be manned at all times. |
C | It's time you buy yourself a new pair of shoes. |
D | I suggest that each team be given equal points. |
E | "Let's take a taxi, shall we?" "Yes, let's." |
Question 8 Explanation:
It's time you bought yourself a new pair of shoes.
Question 9 |
Choose the odd one out.
A | Weren't you told to be here by six? |
B | The orchestra is said to have played that piece beautifully. |
C | This matter must certainly be looked into. |
D | The thief was given a fair trial to him and sent to prison. |
E | Don't let yourself be laughed at. |
Question 9 Explanation:
The thief was given a fair trial and sent to prison.
Question 10 |
Choose the odd one out.
A | "I'd like to have a word with you." "Yes, but what do we have to talk about?" |
B | "Did you have much trouble in getting a visa?" "Well, what do you think!" |
C | "Do you think she'll succeed?" "I won't answer that question if you don't mind." |
D | "Who does want a sandwich" "I do." |
E | "Who goes there?" "Prince Hamlet." |
Question 10 Explanation:
"Who wants a sandwich" "I do."
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