Phrasal Verbs and Idioms MCQ Exercise 3
Question 1 |
He is a most annoying person; he spends his time trying to find fault with everyone.
A | criticize |
B | help |
C | anger |
D | examine |
E | value |
Question 2 |
During the fire in the hospital, I had to take charge of the patients in the intensive care ward.
A | hide |
B | be responsible for |
C | care for |
D | order |
E | inform |
Question 3 |
I know that I have been rather difficult lately but I've had a problem on my mind.
A | headache |
B | seeing problems |
C | image |
D | worry about |
E | unable to sleep |
Question 4 |
Trust me! You can take my word for it.
A | refuse |
B | help |
C | decide |
D | listen |
E | believe |
Question 5 |
If you get it off your chest, you'll feel better.
A | talk about it |
B | through it out |
C | hope for it |
D | forget it |
E | carry it somewhere else |
Question 6 |
The newspapers often try to bring crimes into the open.
A | teach |
B | reveal |
C | help with |
D | want |
E | examine |
Question 7 |
It's about time we laid this feud to rest.
A | killed |
B | slept on it |
C | straightened it |
D | examined |
E | ended |
Question 8 |
When evaluating the new workers we should take into account their previous experience.
A | consider |
B | record |
C | question |
D | complete |
E | remember |
Question 9 |
It's a good idea to set aside some money for a rainy day.
A | hide |
B | put |
C | save for |
D | remove |
E | prepare |
Question 10 |
Stop trying to get out of doing the dishes; it's your turn.
A | opening |
B | leaving |
C | finishing |
D | escape |
E | removing |
Question 11 |
I'm not sure what I want to eat. I'll leave the ordering up to you.
A | give the choice |
B | refuse |
C | disagree |
D | go without |
E | wait |
Question 12 |
I've put my heart and soul into this book.
A | decision |
B | nasty |
C | all my effort |
D | love |
E | energy |
Question 13 |
Of course he looks like me! He's my flesh and blood.
A | enemy |
B | child |
C | friend |
D | parent |
E | blood relative |
Question 14 |
I felt as though I was sitting on pins and needles all night, while I waited for the phone call.
A | was nervous |
B | uncomfortable |
C | relaxed |
D | sleeping |
E | angry |
Question 15 |
That’s the last straw! I quit!
A | confirmation |
B | finalist |
C | beginning |
D | end |
E | strangest |
Question 16 |
He's full of hot air! He is so impressed with himself.
A | always exaggerating |
B | fun and happiness |
C | energy |
D | entertainment |
E | anger |
Question 17 |
That was a close call. The car almost hit me.
A | telephone |
B | warning |
C | narrow escape |
D | answer |
E | appointment |
Question 18 |
I'm having second thoughts about getting married.
A | decision |
B | advice |
C | change of mind |
D | investigation |
E | brainstorming |
Question 19 |
Tom is an old hand at working with poultry.
A | elder |
B | retired |
C | farmer |
D | friendly |
E | experienced |
Question 20 |
The directions for the use of this equipment are clear-cut.
A | easily understood |
B | helpfully simple |
C | well done |
D | easily controlled |
E | unacceptable |
Question 21 |
My new roommate is an easy-going person.
A | not careful |
B | relaxing |
C | friendly |
D | helpful |
E | uninteresting |
Question 22 |
She is an extremely narrow-minded person.
A | thoughtful |
B | investigating |
C | interesting |
D | closed to new ideas |
E | silly |
Question 23 |
I've talked to you about your behaviour time and again but you have made no effort Lo change.
A | today |
B | recently |
C | repeatedly |
D | yesterday |
E | without effort |
Question 24 |
meet with Jane now and again.
A | occasionally |
B | today |
C | recently |
D | often |
E | frequently |
Question 25 |
I'll agree to this plan for now but I think we should revise some of the matters.
A | continuously |
B | completely |
C | hopefully |
D | temporarily |
E | aspiring |
⇦ |
List |
⇨ |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
End |