Verbal Advantage - Level 07 Review Test
Question 1 |
Something that deviates from the norm is _____.
A | abstemious |
B | analogous |
C | anomalous |
D | hyperbolic |
E | pernicious |
Question 2 |
Which word is not a synonym of didactic?
A | pedagogic |
B | preceptive |
C | expository |
D | ascetic |
E | hortatory |
Question 3 |
Which word is not an antonym of obsequious?
A | recalcitrant |
B | intractable |
C | sycophantic |
D | refractory |
E | intransigent |
Question 4 |
Which word is a synonym of rarefied?
A | bombastic |
B | ethereal |
C | effusive |
D | senescent |
E | catholic |
Question 5 |
Which word is an antonym of pernicious?
A | malign |
B | deleterious |
C | salubrious |
D | baneful |
E | noisome |
Question 6 |
Which phrase is not redundant?
A | cure for all ills |
B | passing fad |
C | consensus of opinion |
D | from whence it came |
E | opening gambit |
Question 7 |
Which word best describes a catholic person?
A | latitudinarian |
B | docile |
C | dogmatic |
D | parochial |
Question 8 |
Reticent, diffident, and taciturn are antonyms of _____.
A | refulgent |
B | effusive |
C | laconic |
D | irascible |
Question 9 |
Which word is not a synonym of contentious?
A | disputatious |
B | belligerent |
C | litigious |
D | mendacious |
E | pugnacious |
Question 10 |
Which word is a synonym of assiduous?
A | indolent |
B | languid |
C | sedulous |
D | phlegmatic |
E | otiose |
Question 11 |
Chicanery and casuistry are synonyms of _____.
A | invective |
B | nepotism |
C | duplicity |
D | bombast |
E | supplications |
Question 12 |
What is a genuflection?
A | a blessing |
B | a bending of the knee |
C | making the sign of the cross |
D | an act of deception |
E | a prayer |
Question 13 |
Which word means to inform?
A | appraise |
B | apprise |
Question 14 |
Which word means rash, reckless or abrupt, sudden?
A | precipitate |
B | precipitous |
Question 15 |
In the Trojan War, who was king and commander of the Myrmidons?
A | Hector |
B | Odysseus |
C | Procrustes |
D | Achilles |
E | Draco |
Question 16 |
Something antediluvian is _____.
A | inscrutable or impenetrable |
B | fearsome and unstoppable |
C | amusingly eccentric |
D | old or old-fashioned |
Question 17 |
Which word by derivation means great-spirited?
A | catholic |
B | magnanimous |
C | pusillanimous |
D | avuncular |
E | sanctimonious |
Question 18 |
Which word denotes abusive language that is filthy and obscene?
A | invective |
B | obloquy |
C | billingsgate |
D | vituperation |
Question 19 |
Which word means to attack violently with words, express angry disapproval?
A | coruscate |
B | objurgate |
C | bombast |
D | inveigh |
E | capitulate |
Question 20 |
Which phrase does not properly apply to a deus ex machina?
A | unexpected resolution |
B | sinister plot |
C | divine intervention |
D | unlikely occurrence |
Question 21 |
What is a docent?
A | an itinerant teacher |
B | a friendly, agreeable person |
C | a lecturing tour guide |
D | an assistant or servant |
Question 22 |
Which word is an antonym of fetid?
A | redolent |
B | putrid |
C | graveolent |
D | mephitic |
E | noisome |
Question 23 |
In the phrase mea culpa, what does culpa mean?
A | fault |
B | belief |
C | mistake |
D | responsibility |
Question 24 |
Someone who makes an inappropriate or tiresome display of knowledge is _____.
A | an exponent |
B | a docent |
C | a parvenu |
D | a pedant |
E | a myrmidon |
Question 25 |
Which word is a synonym of inchoate?
A | insouciant |
B | refulgent |
C | nascent |
D | senescent |
Question 26 |
Which set of three words contains a word that is not a synonym of the others?
A | scrupulous, upright, ethical |
B | mendacious, veracious, disingenuous |
C | hypocritical, equivocal, duplicitous |
D | evasive, prevaricating, deceitful |
Question 27 |
Which word means pertaining to twilight?
A | inchoate |
B | subfuscous |
C | crepuscular |
D | umbrageous |
Question 28 |
Which is the traditional and proper pronunciation of ribald?
A | RY-bawld |
B | RIB-uld |
C | RIB-awld |
Question 29 |
What is an arriviste?
A | a convert to a religion or cause |
B | a vulgar and often ruthless social climber |
C | an ostentatiously learned person |
D | a faithful servant or subordinate |
Question 30 |
Which three words are synonyms?
A | unrelenting, implacable, obliging |
B | compliant, compromising, obdurate |
C | inexorable, acquiescent, intransigent |
D | tractable, complaisant, docile |
Question 31 |
Which word does not precisely apply to a sanctimonious person?
A | hypocritical |
B | disingenuous |
C | unctuous |
D | redoubtable |
E | affected |
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List |
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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
31 | End |