Verbal Advantage - Level 10 Review Test
Question 1 |
Which word is a synonym of paucity?
A | superfluity |
B | idiosyncrasy |
C | proclivity |
D | exiguity |
Question 2 |
Which word means to burn the midnight oil or to write in a scholarly or pedantic fashion?
A | expatiate |
B | lucubrate |
C | fulminate |
D | divagate |
Question 3 |
Which is not an accepted meaning of troglodyte?
A | a prehistoric cave dweller |
B | person who chooses to live in seclusion |
C | a vain, boastful person |
D | a brutish, unsophisticated person |
Question 4 |
Which word is a synonym of anchorite and eremite?
A | priest |
B | hermit |
C | prophet |
D | sailor |
Question 5 |
Which word is a synonym of miscellaneous and heterogeneous?
A | plexiform |
B | aleatory |
C | farraginous |
D | protean |
Question 6 |
Cynosure and cynical come ultimately from the Greek kynos, which meant _____.
A | dog |
B | popular |
C | scornful |
D | the North Star |
Question 7 |
Four of the five words below are related in meaning. Which word has a different, unrelated meaning?
A | badinage |
B | banter |
C | raillery |
D | rodomontade |
E | persiflage |
Question 8 |
Which word is a synonym of demotic?
A | pedantic |
B | vernacular |
C | dictatorial |
D | hierarchical |
E | diabolical |
Question 9 |
Which word is an antonym of saturnine?
A | aleatory |
B | taciturn |
C | sanguine |
D | phlegmatic |
Question 10 |
The lion in lionize signifies a person who is especially
A | ruthless |
B | dangerous |
C | important |
D | successful |
Question 11 |
Four of the five words below are related in meaning. Which word has a different, unrelated meaning?
A | gasconade |
B | vainglory |
C | fanfaronade |
D | fulmination |
E | jactitation |
Question 12 |
Which word means weekly or pertaining to a week?
A | hebdomadal |
B | hebetudinous |
C | hortatory |
D | hieratic |
Question 13 |
The combining form -philia comes from the Greek philein, which means _____.
A | to love |
B | to worship |
C | to know |
D | to fear |
Question 14 |
Which word means the fear of disrobing in front of someone?
A | pantophobia |
B | philemaphobia |
C | dishabillophobia |
D | syphilophobia |
Question 15 |
Which word by derivation means a drinking party?
A | lassitude |
B | deipnosophy |
C | rapprochement |
D | symposium |
Question 16 |
What does sanguinary mean?
A | cheerful |
B | confident |
C | bloody |
D | ruddy |
Question 17 |
Which word means easily crumbled or crushed?
A | factitious |
B | fuliginous |
C | fugacious |
D | friable |
Question 18 |
Which word is a synonym of vituperate and excoriate?
A | hebetate |
B | scarify |
C | triturate |
D | fulminate |
Question 19 |
Which word is the antonym of pathological?
A | phlegmatic |
B | iatrogenic |
C | apodictic |
D | hieratic |
Question 20 |
Which word means the abandonment of a cause, a party, or a religion?
A | tergiversation |
B | badinage |
C | heliolatry |
D | defenestration |
E | propinquity |
Question 21 |
Which two words are not synonyms?
A | torpid, hebetudinous |
B | otiose, dilatory |
C | somnolent, lethargic |
D | faineant, indolent |
Question 22 |
Which word means rough and bristly?
A | nacreous |
B | glabrous |
C | risible |
D | hispid |
Question 23 |
Sciolist and sciolism come from the Latin verb scire, which means _____.
A | to study |
B | to pretend |
C | to deceive |
D | to know |
Question 24 |
Which word suggests a soft sound?
A | fulmination |
B | cacophony |
C | susurrus |
D | cachinnation |
Question 25 |
What does chryselephantine mean?
A | made of gold and ivory |
B | belonging to an ancient time |
C | massive and unwieldy |
D | extremely generous |
Question 26 |
Which Latin phrase means “words a foot and a half long”?
A | verbum sat sapienti |
B | sesquipedalia verba |
C | verbatim et litteratim et punctatim |
Question 27 |
Divagate and noctivagant come from the Latin verb vagari, which means _____.
A | to divide |
B | to darken |
C | to wander |
D | to confuse |
Question 28 |
Which word denotes speech that urges or advises earnestly?
A | rodomontade |
B | exhortation |
C | fulmination |
D | contretemps |
Question 29 |
Which word refers to the tendency of plants to bend or move toward a source of light?
A | noctivagation |
B | tergiversation |
C | lucubration |
D | heliotropism |
E | crepitation |
Question 30 |
What is logomachy?
A | shadow-boxing |
B | the ability to endure hardship |
C | the act of reasoning or deducing |
D | a battle of words |
Question 31 |
Which word suggests unscrupulousness or chicanery?
A | meretricious |
B | pettifog |
C | vitiation |
D | faineant |
Question 32 |
Which word means having characteristics or qualities of both sexes?
A | troglodytic |
B | comminuted |
C | epicene |
D | frangible |
E | protean |
Question 33 |
Which word denotes a vehement denunciation?
A | exhortation |
B | expurgation |
C | execration |
D | expiation |
E | exoneration |
Question 34 |
Something putative is _____.
A | thought to be so but not proved |
B | corrupted or contaminated |
C | apparently true but actually false or deceptive |
D | absolutely certain |
E | utterly detestable |
⇦ |
List |
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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | End |