400 Must Have Words for the TOEFL LESSON 19 - History Vocabulary Test
Word List
chronologically [ˌkrɒnəˈlɒdʒɪkəlɪ] adv.
In order according to time
→ Allen’s book is arranged chronologically, from the First Crusade in 1095 to the fall of Granada in 1492.
Usage tips Chronologically is often used with arranged, organized, listed, or some other word for order.
Parts of speech chronology n., chronological adj.
coincide [ˌkəʊɪnˈsaɪd] v.
Happen or exist at the same time
→ The Viking attacks on western Europe coincided with an abnormally warm period in the Earth’s climate.
Usage tips Coincide is often followed by a with phrase.
Parts of speech coincidence n., coincidental adj., coincidentally adv.
consequence [ˈkɒnsɪkwəns] n.
A result, often one much later in time than the cause
→ One consequence of global warming may be the flooding of lowlying islands.
Usage tips Consequence usually implies something negative or serious about the result.
Parts of speech consequent adj., consequently adv.
core [kɔːr] n.
an area or object at the center
→ The core of India’s film industry is in Bombay,where all but a few film studios are located.
Usage tips Core is often followed by another noun (e.g., core principle) or by an of phrase.
deny [diˈnai] v.
Say that something is not true
→ Movie star Allen Butcher denied that he and the Princess of Denmark were getting married.
Usage tips Deny is often followed by the -ing form of a verb or by a that clause.
Parts of speech denial n., deniably adv.
diminish [dɪˈmɪnɪʃ] v.
Make something smaller or weaker; become smaller or weaker
→ The Protestant Reformation diminished the power of the Roman Catholic Pope.
longitude [ˈlɒŋgɪtjuːd] n.
A system of imaginary lines running from north to south along the Earth’s surface, where each line is numbered from 0º to 180° west or east
→ The prime meridian, a line running through Greenwich, England, is marked as 0° longitude.
Parts of speech longitudinal adj., longitudinally adv.
milieu [ˈmiːljɜː] n.
General environment or surroundings
→ Many Vietnam veterans did not feel comfortable in the antiwar social milieu of the 1970s.
Orwellian [ɔrˈwɛliən] adj.
Frightening and overcontrolled by a government that interferes in nearly every aspect of personal life
→ Biometric devices like eye-scanners allow an Orwellian level of government knowledge about everyone’s location.
reconciliation [ˌrekənsɪlɪˈeɪʃən] n.
Coming back together peacefully after having been enemies
→ South Africa avoided a bloodbath after apartheid by setting up a Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Parts of speech reconcile v., reconciliatory adj.