4000 Essential English Words 4 Unit 5: The Magic Computer
Word List
- awhile [əˈwaɪl] adv.
If you do something awhile, you do it for a short time.
→ Wait here awhile, and I’ll bring some tea.
- cyberspace [ˈsaɪbərspeɪs] n.
Cyberspace is the imaginary place of the Internet where activities occur.
→ I didn’t receive your email. It probably got lost in cyberspace.
- edit [ˈedɪt] v.
To edit means to correct a piece of writing so that it is suitable to be published.
→ She asked her brother to edit her paper before she submitted it to her teacher.
- essay [ˈeseɪ] n.
An essay is a short piece of writing on a certain subject.
→ She had to write a two-page essay for her English class.
- evaluate [iˈvӕljueit] v.
To evaluate something means to study it, so a decision can be made.
→ Joe and Ken evaluated the plan and agreed that it would work.
- faint [feɪnt] v.
To faint means to go unconscious and fall down.
→ Carol fainted because she hadn’t eaten in over a day.
- global [ˈgloubəl] adj.
If something is global, it happens all around the world.
→ Pollution is a global problem.
- gymnasium [dʒɪmˈneɪzɪəm] n.
A gymnasium is a building with equipment that you can use to get exercise.
→ When I go to the gymnasium, I use the treadmill for 20 minutes.
- highlight [ˈhaɪlaɪt] v.
To highlight something means to mark it with a color so that it is easy to see.
→ I read my vocabulary list and highlighted the most difficult words.
- ignorant [ˈɪgnərənt] adj.
If someone is ignorant about something, they have no knowledge about it.
→ I’m a bit ignorant about his theories. Can you explain them to me?
- index [ˈɪndeks] n.
An index is a list of words at the end of a book that gives information.
→ If you look in the index, you’ll find the right page number.
- lecture [ˈlektʃə:r] n.
A lecture is a long, educational speech.
→ His lecture on world hunger was very informative.
- moral [ˈmɔ(:)rəl] n.
A moral is a message at the end of a story that teaches you something.
→ At the end of the story, Mother explained the moral to the children.
- operate [ˈɒpəreɪt] v.
To operate means to work or function.
→ I’m sorry, but the trains are not operating today.
- private [ˈpraɪvɪt] adj.
If something is private, it is only used by one person or group.
→ Don’t look at my diary! It’s private!
- recent [ˈriːsənt] adj.
When something is recent, it happened a short time ago.
→ I did not know what caused his recent behavior.
- resolution [ˌrezəˈluːʃən] n.
A resolution is a personal decision.
→ At New Year, I made a list of resolutions to help me have a better year.
- semester [sɪˈmestər] n.
A semester is a portion of a school year.
→ Jack is in his second semester of college.
- typewritten [ˈtaɪpˌrɪtn] adj.
If something is typewritten, it is written on a computer or typewriter.
→ This is an important, formal project and must be typewritten.
- weird [wiə:rd] adj.
When something is weird, it is very strange.
→ My best friend’s dad is a bit weird.