Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 16 - Day 3
- altruistic [al´ trü is´ tik]
“The conflict is between selfishness and altruism.” Former Senator Estes Kefauver, campaign speech
- embellish [em bel´ ish]
“The prioress may not have told the correct story in all its details and she may even have embellished the story a little bit to make it more attractive.” Lin Yutang, “The Jade Goddess”
- cache [kash]
“Fagin drew from his cache the box which he had unintentionally disclosed to Oliver.” Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist
- coterie [kō´ tərē]
“The aristocratic coterie finally got the upper hand.” Edith Hamilton, The Greek Way
- cupidity [kyü pid´ ə tē]
“There is little real humor in this picture of cunning and cupidity as revealed by a petty contest for a paltry sum.” Liam O’Flaherty, “A Shilling”
to make bricks without straw—to attempt to do something without having the necessary materials (In the Bible we read that the Egyptians commanded the Israelites to do so)
My uncle’s business schemes always fail because he tries to make bricks without straw.