Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 21 - Day 4
- bona fide [bō´ nə fīd´]
“Milosevic, a bona fide villain, will pay for his war crimes—we can be sure of that.” Editorial, Washington Post, 5/28/99
- salvation [sal vā´ shən]
“Maybe it is connected with some terrible sin, with the loss of eternal salvation, with some bargain with the devil.” Aleksandr Pushkin, “The Queen of Spades”
- materialism [mə tir´ ē ə liz´ əm]
“Democracy always makes for materialism, because the only kind of equality that you can guarantee to a whole people is physical.” Katherine F. Gerould, Modes and Morals
- nurture [nėr´ chər]
“The Telecommunications Act of 1996 introduced competition that has nurtured demand for communications generally and for Internet service specifically.” Seth Schessel, “A Chance to Become Really Big,” New York Times, 6/15/99
- nirvana [nir vä´ nə]
“Nirvana is in putting your child to sleep, and in writing the last line of your poem.” Kahlil Gilbran, Sand and Foam
like Caesar’s wife—above suspicion
Mrs. Drake would have to be like Caesar’s wife so that no tinge* of scandal would embarrass her husband, our new mayor.