Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 22 - Day 2
- incapacitated [in´ kə pas´ ə tāt id]
“His searing empathy for the parents of incapacitated clients is a product of the still-raw pain over the 1980 suicide of his younger brother.” Jan Hoffman, “Public Lives,” New York Times, 6/18/99
- fabricate [fab´ rə kāt]
“Perhaps the dialogues that you fabricate are nothing more than monologues.” Miguel Unamuno, “Mist”
- connubial [kə nü´ bē əl]
“I never could imagine connubial bliss until after tea.” W. Somerset Maugham, Cakes and Ale
- demur [di mėr´]
“At first the Crown Prince would demur, but after being prodded, he would generally choose dictation, which he liked least.” Elizabeth Gray Vining, Windows for the Crown Prince
- appellation [ap´ ə lā´ shən]
“He went under the appellation of ‘Pretty Boy’ but to his victims he was anything but that.” Dexter Holcomb, Did the Roaring Twenties Really Roar? [adapted]
in apple pie order—in neat order, good condition
The house was in dreadful condition when Mrs. Maslow arrived, but when she left it was in apple pie order.