Barron's 1100 Words You Need to Know (MCQ Test + PDF) Week 43 - Day 3
- largess [lär´ jis]
“A largess universal like the sun, His liberal eye doth give to every one.” William Shakespeare, Henry IV
- criterion [krī tir´ ē ən]
“This new product is useful, but the major criterion is its safety.” Car and Travel, 10/99
- repent [ri pent´]
“At his court martial, the officer admitted to the charges and repented.” “General Demoted,” Washington Post, 9/2/99
- mollify [mol´ ə fī]
“The mayor attempted to mollify his critics by pointing to the increased safety in the city.” New York Daily News, 8/15/99
- mercenary [mėr´ sə ner´ ē]
“We all like money . . . but Dickens surpassed most in a mercenary approach to his writings.” G. K. Chesterton, Charles Dickens
a bolt from the blue—a great surprise
The windfall* from his distant cousin came like a bolt from the blue.