More Speak English Like an American Lesson 8 Idioms and Expressions MCQ Test

More Speak English Like an American Lesson 8 Idioms and Expressions MCQ Test

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Lesson 8: Cindy Invites Mark to Her Place


Cindy asked Mark to come back to her house after dinner, but Mark says he has to go to bed early. Marks asks Cindy to give him more information on Grand Foods, but Cindy says she can’t remember any more.

Mark: Cindy, as a rule, I never get back together with ex-girlfriends.

Cindy: Rules are meant to be broken!

Mark: Okay, let me mull this over. I have a lot of food for thought now.

Cindy: Speaking of food, this lobster is delicious. Want a bite?

Mark: No, thanks.

Cindy: I forgot – you eat like a bird, but you drink like a fish!

Mark: Yeah, I already feel like I’ve had one too many. I’m getting a headache.

Cindy: Let’s go back to my place after dinner. We have a lot to catch up on.

Mark: I’ve got to hit the hay early tonight.

Cindy: Stay over at my place!

Mark: No, I need to wake up early tomorrow and do some work.

Cindy: Okay, suit yourself! Be a party pooper!

Mark: So can we talk about Grand Foods now and the new information you’ve got?

Cindy: Oh, I left my notes at home. I can’t remember much off the top of my head.

Mark: I feel like you’re giving me the runaround.

Cindy: No, I’m not. You can call me tomorrow at 9 a.m.

Mark: Do you know whether Grand Foods planning to offer meal kits*?

Cindy: Yes, that rings a bell! Of course, I’ll have to check my notes.

* meal kits – a pre-prepared food product, typically frozen, in which each main ingredient is packaged separately and the consumer puts them all together when cooking. For example, a Chinese food meal kit might come with a bag of vegetable, a bag of chicken, a packet of peanuts, and a packet of sauce.


  • as a rule

 usually; typically

Example: As a rule, I stop eating two hours before I exercise.

  • Rules are meant to be broken

 a saying that means you should not always worry about following rules or habits strictly

Example: “You know our teacher doesn’t allow eating in the classroom!” – “I know, but rules are meant to be broken. I haven’t eaten anything all day.”

  • (to) mull something over

 to think about something

Example: “Are you going to take the new job you were offered?” – “I don’t know. I’m still mulling it over.”

  • food for thought

 something to think about

Example: Al Gore’s movie, An Inconvenient Truth, provided a lot of food for thought on the problem of global warming.

  • (to) eat like a bird

 to not eat much; to have a small appetite

Example: That’s all you’re having for dinner – an apple and a slice of bread? You eat like a bird!

  • (to) drink like a fish

 to drink a lot of alcohol

Example: Frank drank two bottles of wine at the dinner party. He drinks like a fish.

  • (to) have one too many

 to drink more alcohol than one should; to get drunk

Example: We can’t let Becky drive home. She’s had one too many.

  • (to) catch up on

 to discuss (said when you haven’t talked to the other person in a while)

Example: Come over to my house early on Saturday. We’ve got losts to catch up on.

  • (to) hit the hay

 to go to sleep

Example: You look tired. It’s time for you to hit the hay!

  • (to) stay over

 to sleep somewhere; to spend the night

Example: You’d better stay over at my house tonight. It’s snowing too hard for you to drive home.
Note: When someone asks you to “stay over,” it is sometimes, but not always, meant as a sexual invitation.

  • Suit yourself

 Do what you want

Example: You don’t want to go to Melissa and Brian’s wedding? Suit yourself. I’ll go without you!

  • party pooper

 someone who doesn’t want to have fun; someone who ruins the fun of others

Example: We just got to the party half an hour ago, and you want to leave already? What a party pooper!

  • off the top of my head

 from memory

Example: I can’t remember the name of Al’s company off the top of my head, but when I’m back in my office I’ll email it to you.

  • (to) give someone the runaround

 to lead someone along without giving them what they want; to make it difficult for someone to do something

Example: I’m trying to get more money for my studies, but the financial aid office keeps giving me the runaround.

  • (to) ring a bell

 to sound familiar

Example: “Your name rings a bell. Have we met before?” – “Yes, we were introduced at Joe’s party last week.”

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