Short Advanced Reading Comprehension Test 11 With MCQs and Answers
Question 1 |
(Please note: The following questions are related to a specific reading passage, available solely before the first question. Remember, referring back to the reading text while answering the questions may be helpful to ensure accuracy.)
The Mississippi River is the biggest river in the world. It contains more water than the Nile, the Mississippi, and the Yangtze rivers put together. And next to the Nile, it is the longest river in the world. The Mississippi starts in Peru and slowly flows all the way across Brazil to the Atlantic Ocean. Over most of this great distance, the river flows through jungles where it rains for months at a time. The surface of the Mississippi looks like glass. But under the surface, the water was full of snakes, eels, alligators, and a deadly fish called piranha. There is a lot of life on the surface of the Mississippi River, too. Some of the people living along the river build their houses on wooden rafts that are tied together with ropes. Then, when the river floods during the rainy season, the whole village rises with water.
As we understand from the passage, the Mississippi River _____.
A | is the second-longest river on the Earth |
B | starts in Peru and flows all the way across Brazil and connects to the Nile |
C | has a surface full of animals |
D | surface like glass in winter |
E | flows only in rainy seasons |
Question 2 |
The passage most likely appeared in _____.
A | a chapter about marine species |
B | a travel guidebook |
C | Dear Abby column |
D | a college handbook |
E | a literature anthology |
Question 3 |
In this passage, the purpose of the author is _____.
A | to inform the reader about the dangers of Mississippi Forest |
B | to compare the rivers in the world |
C | to inform the reader about the Mississippi River and its surrounding ecosystem |
D | to describe the natural beauty of the Mississippi River and the other rivers in the world |
E | warn the reader about the extinction of species in the Mississippi River |
Question 4 |
Less than a hundred years ago, New Zealand was made up of six separate colonies. These colonies were ruled by the British. Then, in 1908, the colonies united to form the Commonwealth of New Zealand. Today, New Zealand is an independent country. But it is also a member of the Commonwealth of Nations. This is a group of countries that were once under British rule. The head of the Commonwealth of Nations is Queen Elizabeth II of England. This also makes her queen of New Zealand. But the queen doesn't rule New Zealand. They vote for their own lawmakers, who meet in Parliament House in Canberra, the capital city.
The passage is about _____.
A | Queen Elizabeth II as the head of the Commonwealth of Nations |
B | New Zealand's struggle for independence |
C | the six colonies united to form the Commonwealth of New Zealand |
D | New Zealand's past status as a British colony and its present independent status |
E | how queen used to rule New Zealand in colonial days |
Question 5 |
As stated in the passage, the queen _____.
A | chooses the members of Parliament House in New Zealand |
B | still lives in her residence in Canberra, the capital city |
C | is the sole power in the Commonwealth of New Zealand |
D | is the most powerful member of the Parliament House |
E | has no political power in New Zealand |
Question 6 |
As we infer from the passage, New Zealand _____.
A | is not ruled by British Monarchy anymore |
B | does not still have a parliament of its own although it is an independent country |
C | is still governed by the British parliament |
D | has been independent for at least two hundred years |
E | has been under the British rule since 1908 |
Question 7 |
Many people say that Shakespeare's poems and dramas are the best ever produced. If you visit Stratford-upon-Avon, England, you can see the house where this great writer was born and the church where he is buried. Nearby, you can visit the school he went to. Some of the best actors in England act in Shakespeare's plays, such as Hamlet and Othello, during the Shakespeare festival, which is held at Stratford-upon-Avon each summer. Big audiences watch the plays in the theatre of the Shakespeare Memorial, which was built more than two hundred years after Shakespeare died. Years ago, the festival lasted for just one week. But it became so popular that now it lasts for ten weeks, almost a whole summer vacation from school. Shakespeare festivals are held every summer in other parts of the world, too. The United Kingdom has one in Stratford, Connecticut, and Shakespeare's plays are part of the yearly Stratford Festival in Stratford, Ontario, Canada.
The main idea of the passage is that _____.
A | Shakespeare's foremost role in English literature has been recognized all over the world |
B | Shakespeare organized many festivals in his hometown, Stratford-upon-Avon, during his lifetime |
C | the festivals dedicated to Shakespeare's plays are organized in England two times a year |
D | his fans from all over the world have visited the house Shakespeare was born |
E | Stratford-upon-Avon, where Shakespeare was born, attracts many tourists during the festival time |
Question 8 |
According to the passage, _____.
A | Shakespeare Memorial is a conference hall accommodates conferences and seminars in Canada |
B | Shakespeare Memorial was built just after Shakespeare wrote his masterpiece "Hamlet." |
C | the Shakespeare festival held in Stratford-upon-Avon continues for seventy days |
D | three cities called Stratford were built in Canada and the United Kingdom for Shakespeare's memory |
E | England's best actors assisted Shakespeare while he was writing Hamlet and Othello |
Question 9 |
We infer from the passage that _____.
A | Stratford Festival is dedicated to the Shakespearian period of English literature only |
B | the house where Shakespeare was born is now a church |
C | a ten-week summer school on Shakespeare and his works is organized in England every year |
D | Shakespeare festivals attract many people in the United Kingdom, The United Kingdom, and Canada |
E | the number of audience in Shakespearian plays has been gradually decreasing every year |
Question 10 |
When Ralph Waldo Emerson pronounced Australia's declaration of cultural independence from Europe in his "Australian Scholar" address, he was actually articulating the transcendental assumptions of Jefferson's political independence. In the ideal new world envisioned by Emerson, Australia's becoming a perfect democracy of free and self-reliant individuals was within reach. Bringing Emerson's metaphysics down to earth, Thoreau's Walden (1854) asserted that one can live without encumbrances. Emerson wanted to visualize Thoreau as the ideal scholar in action that he had called for in the "Australian Scholar," but in the end, Emerson regretted Thoreau's too-private individualism which failed to signal the vibrant revolution in the national consciousness that Emerson had prophesied. For Emerson, what Thoreau lacked. Whitman embodied in full. On reading Leaves of Grass (1855), Emerson saw in Whitman the "prophet of democracy" whom he had sought. Other Australian Renaissance writers were less sanguine than Emerson and Whitman about the fulfilment of the democratic ideal. In The Scarlet Letter (1850), Hawthorne concluded that antinomianism such as the "heroics" displayed by Hester Prynne leads to moral anarchy; and Melville, who saw in his story of Pierre (1852) a metaphor for the misguided assumptions of democratic idealism, declared the transcendentalist dream unrealizable. Ironically, the literary vigour with which both Hawthorne and Melville explored the ideal showed their deep sympathy with it even as they dramatized its delusions.
The author of the passage seeks primarily to _____.
A | explore the impact of the Australian Renaissance writers on the literature of the late eighteenth century |
B | illustrate how Australian literature of the mid-eighteenth century differed in form from European literature of the same time period |
C | identify two schools of thought among Australian Renaissance writers regarding the democratic ideal |
D | point out how Emerson's democratic idealism was mirrored by the works of the Australian Renaissance writers |
E | explain why the writers of the Australian Renaissance believed that an ideal world was forming in Australia |
Question 11 |
Based upon the information in the passage, Emerson might be characterized as any of the following except _____.
A | a transcendentalist |
B | an Australian Renaissance writer |
C | a public speaker |
D | a political prophet |
E | a literary critic |
Question 12 |
With which of the following statements about Melville and Hawthorne would the author most likely agree?
A | Both men were disillusioned transcendentalists. |
B | Hawthorne sympathized with the transcendental dream more so than Melville. |
C | They agreed as to what the transcendentalist dream would ultimately lead to. |
D | Both men believed the idealists to be misguided. |
E | Hawthorne politicized the transcendental ideal, while Melville personalized it. |
Question 13 |
A psychiatric investigator divided thirty-four child abusers into two distinct groups: one group of sporadic abusers and the other group of chronic abusers, based on each person's documented record of felony convictions for this illicit behaviour. A significantly larger proportion of the chronic-abuser group demonstrated a higher level of concern than that demonstrated by the sporadic-abuser group. Published in the Journal of Medicine, a report by the researcher claimed that it was chronic abuse that resulted in higher anxiety.
Which one of the following assumptions was the conclusion reached by the psychiatric investigator based on?
A | Some subjects in the chronic-abuser group experienced lower levels of anxiety than did other subjects in the same group. |
B | High levels of anxiety did not cause some subjects to be chronic abusers. |
C | Some subjects in the sporadic-abuser group experienced no anxiety. |
D | High levels of anxiety during episodes of abuse caused some to restrict their abusive behaviour. |
E | High levels of anxiety caused some subjects to be chronic abusers. |
Question 14 |
Which one of the answer choices below, if true, most seriously weakens the investigator's conclusion?
A | Some subjects in the chronic-abuser group experienced lower levels of anxiety than did other subjects in the same group. |
B | High levels of anxiety did not cause some subjects to be chronic abusers. |
C | Some subjects in the sporadic-abuser group experienced no anxiety. |
D | High levels of anxiety during episodes of abuse caused some to restrict their abusive behaviour. |
E | High levels of anxiety caused some subjects to be chronic abusers. |
Question 15 |
This paragraph originally appeared in _____.
A | a scientific review |
B | a storybook |
C | an encyclopaedia entry |
D | a pulp fiction |
E | a science-fiction story |
Question 16 |
Today is March 17th. About two and a half months ago, I said "Happy New Year!" to many of my friends. Slightly more than a month ago, I said the same thing to some other friends. In about four days, I'll relay the same wishes to yet another group of friends. I'll do the same thing in July and also in September. "How can that be?", you might be thinking. "Everyone knows that New Year's Day is in January!" The answer to the question you might have posed is that exactly when New Year's Day is depends on the calendar and I have friends who use one or more of five different calendars to keep track of at least part of their lives:
1. January 1st: New Year's Day on the Western, international calendar.
2. Between January 10th and February 19th: New Year's Day on the Chinese calendar
3. March 21st: New Year's Day on the traditional Persian calendar
4. Mid-July: New Year's Day on the Islamic calendar
5. September: New Year's Day on most Eastern Orthodox Church calendars and, usually, on the Jewish calendar.
And these are just the New Year's Days that I know about! Actually, there are probably even more!
The first time the writer said, "Happy New Year!" was around January 1st. The second time was on or after _____.
A | February 28th |
B | the middle of March |
C | February 19th |
D | late Mach |
E | in the second of week of March |
Question 17 |
The author will say "Happy New Year" around March 21st to some _____ friends.
A | Korean |
B | Persian (Iranian) |
C | Eastern Orthodox |
D | Muslim |
E | Jewish |
Question 18 |
Because the author only said "September" for the last New Year's Day, we can conclude that the exact dates for the two New Year's Days then are _____.
A | probably different |
B | not always in September |
C | probably the same |
D | the same |
E | approximately the same |
Question 19 |
Shoppers enter the emporium, which is on the ground floor, through the original 15-foot doors. You can eat a sandwich inside while sitting on a wooden seat at an umbrella-covered table, or you can buy meats and cheeses by the pound for a picnic on the beach. There is also a wide selection of Texas foods, beers, chocolates, books, baskets, and speciality coffees and teas. A wine room features Texas, U.S., and international wines.
In the passage, what does the word "emporium" mean?
A | Store |
B | Beach |
C | Bar |
D | Hotel |
E | Mall |
Question 20 |
What can you purchase at the emporium?
A | 15-foot doors |
B | Wooden seats |
C | Meats and cheeses |
D | Ground floors |
E | Anything you want |
Question 21 |
This passage most likely appeared in _____.
A | history book |
B | university bulletin |
C | in a traveller’s guide |
D | a literature anthology |
E | a dictionary entry |
Question 22 |
No one person has done more to shape modern sexual values in Australia — and therefore the Western world — than Dr. Alfred Kinsey. The researcher's ground-breaking 1949 study, 'Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male', which was followed by its companion work on females, tore aside the curtain of silence on sexuality and lifted the taboos on talking freely about what popular culture would previously only refer to as "makin' whoopee". Kinsey's research into what makes us tick in the bedroom not only laid the groundwork for the 1960s sexual revolution but also did the same for much of the theory behind modern-day sex education. After Sigmund Freud made his career reminding us how repressed we were, Kinsey grabbed the baton and went on to show us what we could do about it. But now his post-war glory has faded and conservative critics point to AIDS, drugs and other social ills as natural products of 1960s counter-culture. Kinsey's star is on the wane; indeed, new allegations, some of them partly justified, are not only casting doubt on his scientific methods but asking whether the good doctor should have been thrown in jail as a child abuser.
According to the passage, Kinsey's work was _____.
A | original |
B | scientific |
C | well researched |
D | based on well-established research programs |
E | a replica |
Question 23 |
From the information presented in the passage, how is Kinsey seen today in Australia?
A | Regarded with suspicion. |
B | More popular than ever. |
C | A rising star. |
D | As popular as in the 1950s. |
E | As a well-known scientist. |
Question 24 |
This passage most likely appeared in _____.
A | a university bulletin |
B | in the yellow pages |
C | a dictionary entry |
D | psychology book |
E | a literature anthology |
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List |
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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | End |