Verbal Advantage - Level 05 Review Test
Question 1 |
Which word means refined by study and training, marked by skill and taste?
A | judicious |
B | cultivated |
C | facile |
D | eccentric |
Question 2 |
What is the correct pronunciation of mischievous?
A | MIS-chi-vus |
B | mis-CHEE-vus |
C | mis-CHEE-vee-us |
Question 3 |
On which syllable does the stress properly fall in superfluous?
A | su- |
B | per- |
C | flu- |
Question 4 |
Which group of three words contains two antonyms and one synonym of voluble?
A | taciturn, verbose, garrulous |
B | loquacious, terse, effusive |
C | glib, laconic, reticent |
Question 5 |
Which word is not a synonym of transitory?
A | transient |
B | ephemeral |
C | itinerant |
D | evanescent |
Question 6 |
The phil- in philanthropy and philharmonic comes from the Greek philein, which means _____.
A | to love |
B | to give |
C | to sing |
D | to celebrate |
Question 7 |
Which pair contains a word that is not a synonym of lethargy?
A | torpor, stupefaction |
B | lassitude, languor |
C | apathy, acquiescence |
D | somnolence, sluggishness |
Question 8 |
Pugnacious comes from a Latin word that means _____.
A | to argue |
B | to be unruly |
C | to be rude |
D | to fight with the fists |
Question 9 |
What is a quidnunc?
A | an itinerant person |
B | an incorrigible person |
C | a vindictive person |
D | an officious person |
E | a convivial person |
Question 10 |
Which word comes from the ritual of conferring knighthood?
A | exonerate |
B | accolade |
C | judicious |
D | altruism |
Question 11 |
Which statement is never true of vernacular language?
A | It is familiar. |
B | It is common. |
C | It is scholarly. |
D | It is grammatical |
Question 12 |
The Roman god Jupiter is the source of which word?
A | judgment |
B | jovial |
C | justice |
D | juxtapose |
Question 13 |
What is the proper plural of medium?
A | medias |
B | mediums |
C | media |
Question 14 |
What is the pronunciation of ebullient?
A | i-BUHL-yint |
B | i-BYOO-lee-int |
C | i-BUUL-yint |
D | EB-yuh-lint |
Question 15 |
Which word is an antonym of impervious?
A | diaphanous |
B | tractable |
C | opaque |
D | obfuscated |
Question 16 |
Imaginary, fantastic, and preposterous are synonyms of _____.
A | droll |
B | chimerical |
C | auspicious |
D | prodigious |
Question 17 |
Posit and juxtapose come from the Latin ponere, which means _____.
A | to tell, explain |
B | to resist, oppose |
C | to put, place |
D | to give, offer |
Question 18 |
Which word is not a synonym of esoteric?
A | This is between you and me. |
B | This is between you and I |
C | This is for Mary and me. |
D | This is for Mary and I. |
Question 19 |
Auspicious is related to auspex, a soothsayer of ancient Rome who made predictions _____.
A | by interpreting dreams |
B | by casting dice |
C | by observing the stars |
D | by observing the flight of birds |
Question 20 |
Which word is a synonym of promulgate?
A | chasten |
B | glean |
C | bruit |
D | expostulate |
E | adjudicate |
Question 21 |
What does the nomen- in nomenclature mean?
A | law |
B | words |
C | name |
D | knowledge |
Question 22 |
The noun satiety denotes _____.
A | thorough devotion |
B | excessive gratification |
C | utter confusion |
D | unquenchable desire |
Question 23 |
Which set of words contains a word that is not a synonym of beguile?
A | ensnare, obfuscate, swindle |
B | bamboozle, enrapture, enchant |
C | dupe, hoodwink, ensorcel |
D | gull, cozen, enthrall |
Question 24 |
The Latin adjective plenus, the source of replete and plenary, means _____.
A | all |
B | many |
C | full |
D | every |
Question 25 |
Which word is an antonym of preclude?
A | engender |
B | cull |
C | permit |
D | obviate |
Question 26 |
Chastise and castigate were both formerly used of _____.
A | religious purification |
B | corporal punishment |
C | public humiliation |
D | political debate |
Question 27 |
Which word means a vernacular expression?
A | obfuscation |
B | chrysalis |
C | idiosyncrasy |
D | colloquialism |
Question 28 |
Facile, facility, and facilitate all come from the Latin verb facere, which means _____.
A | to work |
B | to simplify |
C | to flow smoothly |
D | to make or do |
Question 29 |
Which words are synonyms?
A | aloof, affable |
B | genial, convivial |
C | gregarious, solitary |
D | reserved, jovial |
Question 30 |
What is the traditional, proper pronunciation of eschew?
A | es-CHOO |
B | es-SHOO |
C | e-SKYOO |
Question 31 |
Which word comes from a character in a satirical romance by Franois Rabelais?
A | elephantine |
B | prodigious |
C | gargantuan |
D | Brobdingnagian |
Question 32 |
Which word comes from Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels?
A | herculean |
B | Brobdingnagian |
C | gargantuan |
D | prodigious |
Question 33 |
Which word is not a synonym of idiosyncratic?
A | habitual |
B | quirky |
C | distinctive |
D | peculiar |
Question 34 |
Which word is a synonym of approbation?
A | repudiation |
B | disavowal |
C | acclamation |
D | abjuration |
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List |
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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | End |